Choosing Day

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Hey guys I probably won't be able to upload every Sunday. Sorry.

Chapter 6

Couple months later

Today is Choosing day today. Me and Tris are training the iniates today. I think I am going to ask Tris to move in with me. we have been dating for like 9 months now . I was going to ask her over dinner tonight.

I go get dressed and start heading to the dining hall to eat , when I see Tris come out her apartment.

"Hey Tris." I say trying kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey four." she says moving her face from my lips.

"Hey why you called me four are you mad at me?" I asked

"No it's just the iniates are coming today and I don't want them to know our personal life." she said

"Oh well do u want me to call you Six or Tris?" I ask laughing

"I am serious and Tris is okay." she says smiling

"We can pretend to be best friends." I say

"But I already have a best friend." she says pointing out Christina.

"I could be your best guy friend." I say

"Ok fine best friend so that means no PDA." she says

"All man I really wanted to show my affection for you in public." I say

"Oh shutup." she says playfully slapping my arm.

"Ouch" I say faking to be hurt.

We make it to the dining hall and both order dauntless cake. This stuff is so good! After we finish eating we head to were the iniates land.

"Hey you want to come over to my house for dinner?" I ask Tris

"Sure I think the first jumper is coming" she says

There is a flash of grey. He's from Abnegation. Tris helped him off the net.

"What's your name? Choose wisely cuz u only can chose once." she says

"Ok my name is Ethan." he says

"Make the call Four." she says

"First jumper, Ethan!" I say

After jumped a girl from amity jumped. They continued till there was 12 iniates.

"Ok dauntless born go with Christina and Will and transfers stay with tris and I ." I say

Six people went with Christina and Will. Two people will become factionless.

"Ok I am Tris this Four we will be your instructors." I say

"Is your name like the number 4?" A candor girl asks

"Yes got a problem with that?" I say

"No" she says

"What's your name?" I ask

"Ashley."she says

"If I wanted to deal with Candor smart mouths I would have joined Candor." I say

"Ok now follow me" says Tris says while smiling.

We pass the chasm and then we head to the dining hall.

"This is were eat." I say " you can sit were ever."

They all go sit at a table together. Tris and I go sit were we normally sit.

"Hey guys." Tris says

"Hey" they say

"So how are your group."

"There's one abnegation, two erudite,two amity,and one candor." Tris says

"Oh cool." says Zeke

"So are you guys keeping your relationship a secret ,we aren't ." Say Christina.

"Yep we are." say Tris

After lunch we show the transfers their room.

"You guys better get some sleep you start training tomorrow and you wake up very early." Tris says

I let her do most of the talking since this was her first time. After, we went to my apartment. She sat on the couch while I cooked dinner and dessert .

"Foods ready ."I say

"Ok" she says

We go and eat I help her with her chair. I made baked fish we so salad and macaroni and cheese.

"Tobias this is very good I didn't know you could cook like this." She says

"Yea well I had to cook for my dad so I learned." I say.

"Oh well thank you for doing this." She says

"Do you want some dessert?" I ask after she's done eating

"Sure what you make?" She asks

"Dauntless cake of course." I say

"Ooh sounds good." She says

After I serve her a piece and get myself a piece, I decide to ask her.

"Tris I have to ask you something." I say

"What is it?" She asks

"Um well I know you want our relationship private but I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me and plus the iniates won't know because they aren't allowed on this hall."

"Tobias, of course I would love to move in with you." She says

"Well I am glad you said yes." I says giving her a kiss.

"Hey you want to watch a movie?" Tris ask

"Sure I would be delighted." He says

We decide to watch this movie called "The Mortal Intrusments: City of Bones" It was okay.( A/N: I loved the movie and the book can't wait to see the next one.) After the movie was over I walked Tris to her apartment.

"So I will move in this weekend ." She says.

"Ok bye see tomorrow bestie." I say smiling

"Bye Tobias." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek."

When she is inside I go back to the room and take a shower.

Then I fall asleep having good dreams.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while had writers block. So I am writing a new story called"Forbidden Love Story(teacher /student)" so please go read. I am not good at descriptions and you can guess what it's about from the title. So yea and I will put some problems in there soon this was just a chapter to show that I updated. The next chapter will be better. I recommend you go and read The Mortal Instruments series. I love it I have finished the second book and can't wait to buy the third. Yes it is a real series. I also changed my user name so don't freak out.



Divergent: No WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora