Fourtris wedding!!!

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Chapter 9

Tris POV

It's the night before the wedding and I am getting ready to go to Christina's house to have girls night with the girls.
We are doing the traditional thing were you don't see each other for 12 hours (or is it 24 Idk.). Tobias is sitting on the bed watching me pack my some clothes and makeup.

"I wish you didn't have to go." Tobias said kissing my neck and hugging my waist.

"I know I wish I didn't either but it's bad luck." I said kissing him on the lips passionately then stopping to go get dressed leaving him wanting more.

"You are such a tease." He said following me.

" I know." I said while buying on a black tank top and Tobias's sweatpants and then my favorite house shoes.

"You look so cute in my clothes." He said in my ear startling me and making me blush.

"Why-" I got cut off by the door bell ringing.

"I'll go get it." I said going to answer the door for Christina.

"Hey Christy." I said

"Hey Trissy." Christina said while hugging me.

"Let me go get my bag." I said turning around and going to get my bag.

"Tris the boys are coming over for a guys night." Tobias said while kissing me on the lips and forehead.

"Ok well have fun and see you at the altar tomorrow." I said hugging him and walking out with Christina.

"So the rest of the girls will be here soon but until then what do you want to do." Christy asked

"I want to eat." I said heading to her kitchen.

"Ok what do you want to eat?" She asked

"Um ice cream, and cookies and creme." I said

"Yes I was hoping you would say that." She said

Right then Shauna, Marlene, and Lynn walked in.

"Hey future Mrs. Eaton." Shauna said

"Hey guys." She said laughing

"So what are we going to do?" Lynn asked

"Maybe we could watch a movie." I suggested.

"Ok what?"

"The vow?" Marlene asks

"Yea that is perfect." I said.

I walked to the living room and put in the vow sat down the couch, wrapped in a blanket. A few minutes later the other came out with popcorn. The movie was so sad, I cried so hard when she lost her memory. (I haven't seen the movie but I know that happened). After the movie I was force to go to bed.

"You need your beauty sleep." Christina said

"Well you guys do too I don't zombie bridesmaids at my wedding." I said

"You get the bed princess, said Lynn ,so enjoy it."

"Ok night guys see you in the morning." I said.

................................................................The Next Morning......................................................................................................

I was awaked by the smell of pancakes. I walk in the kitchen and see all the girls sitting at the wedding isn't until 6:00 pm and it's 8:00 in the morning. I grabbed some coffee and sat down at the table.

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