2. don't make it so obvious

Start from the beginning

"I'm literally two years older than you I don't know why you think you can-"

"You act like a child most of the time, Ashton. Do you even hear some of the shitty jokes you make? A ten year old could do that. And somehow, you crack yourself up every time! No one else even laughs-"

"Nova loves my jokes, I'll have you know! You're the only one who never gets them," Ashton wasn't even looking at his computer anymore. Nova had a feeling it was going to be a long night before he got it done.

"Nova," Ruth stared at the back of her friend's head intently. "Nova," She spoke louder when Nova proved to be too focused on her homework, poking her hair with the pen she had in her hand. "I want you to tell me the last time you genuinely laughed at one of Ashton's jokes."

Nova went quiet and both sets of eyes fell on her. She hit her pencil against her textbook, listening to the sound as it bounced back, "The Roberto one was pretty good."

The laptop was set on the cushion next to Ashton's legs, "See!" He spoke, gesturing a hand to his friend sitting on the floor in front of him, "At least someone knows I'm hilarious."

"It was one joke. I can't really think of another time you've genuinely been funny. Most of the time we're laughing at you, not with you," Nova deadpanned, looking up at him with a smile threatening to break through her pursed lips.

Ruth high-fived her, "God, I love you."

"I need friends my own age. And friends that'll appreciate my jokes more," Ashton grumbled before returning his laptop to his thighs.

Three heads are better than one. That's why after Nova finished her homework, it only took the trio a few hours to finish Ashton's project. By the time it was proofread and Ashton was satisfied (he didn't actually care) with the results, he turned it in and closed his laptop with an exasperated sigh.

"That was bullshit."

"You're doing it by yourself next time," Nova spoke, stretching her limbs as she stood from her spot on the floor, "I want to go to bed."

"What time even is it?" Ashton asked, leaning forward on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees as he rubbed his eyes aggressively.

"Lemme check," Ruth mumbled from her half asleep stupor, "Shit, it's already ten."

The group collectively groaned, their bodies feeling nearly numb of all energy.

"I'm going to go make a McDonald's run before we get back to the dorm. Anyone want anything?" Ruth asked, forcing herself to stand from the couch. Nova immediately slumped into the vacated spot, happy to finally get off of the floor, her eyes fluttering closed every few seconds.

Ashton paused from rubbing his eyes, "I would literally kill someone for fries right now."

Ruth let out a laugh, "Okay. I'll be back. Nova, I'm going to get you ice cream because I'm a good-ass friend and I already know that that's what you need right now."

Nova smiled half-heartedly at her friend and muttered a thank you before her eyes closed again and Ruth walked out, leaving Ashton alone with his sleepy friend.

"Nova, you can't fall asleep now or I swear I'm gonna eat that ice cream for you."

Nova gasped dramatically and squinted her eyes open, "You wouldn't dare."

"You know I would. Fries and ice cream? Irresistible."

Nova felt off. She wouldn't tell Ashton, because she hated when he worried about her, but she desperately did not want to return to school the next morning. She didn't want to wake up and get out of bed and take a shower and be forced to sit in classrooms all day. She didn't want to continue with the same pattern for the next three years of her life. She was just tired.

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