Chapter 16: Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Oh no.." Ruby said

"Is he okay?" Yang asked.

"He's fine..he just needs time for him-"

A Knock came from their door, Blake opens it and notice you standing their. you smiled at the girls and waved at them.

"Hey.." You said.

"Y/N" Blake gave you some room to enter.

"We heard about your situation from Blake are you okay?" Ruby said.

You smiled "Yeah..but enough of that I've heard your conversation and I was wondering if everything okay." You asked.

"Yeah is just Blake is kinda impatient on Capturing the White fang" Yang said getting an elbow in her gut "oof"

You look towards Blake "Is This True?" You said.

" all people should know since your the first I told it too"

"Wait! he knew!" Weiss quickly interjects.

"Yeah when we first met, let us just say it was a slight misunderstanding." You said giving a cheap smile.

"Then why didn't you told us about her situation," Yang said.

"Well if I did you would treat her differently" You crossed your arms.

The girls look at each other and then at you "No we wouldn't" Ruby said.

"Yes you would, because if you didn't get to know her and if she just plain out and said 'hey i was a white fang member but I came here to learn' I promise you either one of you would report this to Ozpin." You said getting them to look at each other and notice it probably be true.

"Ok point Since we all know what now," Yang said

"Well, whatever Blakes planning im in." You said with a smile getting her to smile

Ruby raises her hand and does other random gestures while looking manic. "Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye."

Yang Pumps her fist enthusiastically and points at Blake and You "Yes! I love it when you're feisty!"

"Well, I suppose it could be fun." Weiss smiles

You turn towards Blake and smile "I got your Back"

"Thank you Y/N" She smiles

"Hey..what kind of Partner I would be if I let you have all the fun" You smile widely.

"Yea that's the Spirt Y/N!" Yang quickly headlocks you.

"None of you said aye!" Ruby looks disappointed

"Alright then, we're in this together!" Blake said while looking at her team.

" Let's hatch a plan!" Ruby gestures

Somehow Ruby forming a Plan will cause some kind of Destruction leaving behind it.

Yang Double-gun at Ruby. "Yeah!"

Suddenly Ruby gasp getting you to get spook by her " I left my board game at the library!"

Weiss Places her hand to her head "We're doomed."

You might Second that but you took this and stood silent, Ruby rushes out of the room, quickly looking at Yang who had sheep smile towards you, making you roll yours "Ill accompany her, I feel that she might get in trouble" You said while following your leader.

"Thank Y/N!" Yang Screams

You Jog towards your Leader and thankfully she waited for you "Man Ruby wait up for me will yah" You said.

She giggles "You just need to drink milk," She said while you give her a puzzled look."What?"

She grabs your arm and started to pull "Come on before someone takes my Boardgame!"

As she pulled and accidentally let go of you, Ruby bumps into somebody causing her to fall towards you but you successfully caught her.

"Oo-oof! Oh g-!" Ruby looking up "Sorry. Are you okay?"

" I'm fine." the girl said "Just watch where you're going." She said towards Ruby while noticing you, but somehow you were casually staring at her.

"Oh, right, sorry." She continues to speak to the girl and helps her to her feet. " Um, I'm Ruby and this is my Team member Y/N Are you new?"

"Visiting from Haven, actually." She said while giving you a flirty look towards you.

Ruby stares for a moment and Cinder stares back. "Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory."

"I guess we just got turned around." The Guy said with the silver hair that was looking at you, while you were looking at him back.

The funny part was that you were silent, something about this student gave you a precaution state that, something about them was off.

"Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time". The two students walk past Ruby, while the male student was eyeing you while the other was checking you out.

 "Uh, your building is just east of here," Ruby said while noticing you staring at them and not saying a word

"Thanks." Said the woman who was now in front of you giving you a smirk and looking at you up and down. "Maybe we'll see you around. especially you" She said while marking a circle in your shirt and walking past you.

"Yeah.." You said in a lone tone while watching them walk away from you two.

Ruby elbows your gut getting a "Oof ruby" you said while holding the pain and wondering why she did that. 

"Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!"

With that they were gone "Why you had to do that" You said.

"Cause you were staring to much, what wrong anyways," Ruby said.

"Nothing lets get your board game you" You pat her on her head making her swat your hand away from her hair giving you a pout.

"Not cool Y/N!" She said while watching you walk away from her and getting her to follow behind.

You peek from your shoulder towards the student you confronted and right now you had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the last of them.

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