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My parents came home. When they got home from their trip they merely patted Jaxon on the head and glanced at me, then went upstairs to their room.

I sometimes wonder what I've done to make them so distant with me. I'm not a bad kid, I think, and even though I'm only seven I think I act mature.

        I'm in the living room with Jaxon, who's playing a video game while I'm coloring.

        My parents came into the room after a while and my mother spoke.

        "We're leaving tonight. Jaxon do you want to go with your friend tonight or stay here?"

        She didn't ask me if I wanted to go to my friends house.

        Jaxon looked over at me, apologetic. "No mom I'll stay with S."

        She merely pursed her lips and nodded.

An hour later my parents were ready to go. Mother kissed and hugged Jaxon and left to go into the car, and dad patted us distractedly on the back and left too.

Jaxon looked at me and suddenly gave me a hug, my little body crushed in the process. "It's just you and me now, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly, there were gunshots.




Damon and Liam left after giving me the news.

Why Kai?

I don't know how I made it back to my cell, I could barely see through my blurry eyes. I wasn't thinking, I wasn't seeing, I felt.. nothing. I knew I should feel angry and sad and heartbroken from losing a good friend.

All I felt was nothing.

I have a habit of bottling everything up, and one day I'm going to snap, but not today. I can't feel anything.

Not for the sake of my sanity.

I needed to move forward and get myself the hell out of this place to finally give myself a chance to mourn my best friend.



I was surrounded by a pile of papers.

Some from work, some from the case against Scar, some from Kai and his funeral arrangements, and most from my own research to find who did this to my sister.

I knew who it was. I just couldn't find any evidence to go to the corrupt government and force them to release S.

I sighed and raked a hand through my already disheveled hair.

I haven't slept in about four days, solely relying on coffee to get me through.

I don't even like coffee.

Looking at my phone, I saw that Damon had given me an update on Emma. She's been crying more and more, ever since we told her that uncle Kai wasn't going to be in this world anymore. That and not seeing her mom for so long tends to have an impact on a little kid.

The only person who she allows to be around her was Damon and I.

The last time everyone was together Emma started crying out of nowhere, Ryder tried to grab her and Emma bit his finger.

Serves him right, I don't really trust the guy. Something is off with him..

I looked back down at my paper and saw the name on the top.

Andre de Salvatore.

Or spawn of Satan, son of a bitch, mom's whore of a brother, all fit the description as well.

I've never been fond of mom's side of the family, mainly because they were all part of the family gang.

Andre has two lives. The normal businessmen one, and the other- seller of prostitutes, drugs, etc.

I'm not really fond of the latter.

The paper i'm holding is basically a highlight of all that Andre has 'done' for the people. They don't know that underneath the whole nice businessman act he shows, there's a devil underneath.

         The devil who killed my parents.

        Perhaps the devil who put my sister in jail. Again.

        I sighed and rugged on the ends of my hair, this whole thing is fucked up.



        I was with JJ and Emma, Emma i'm my lap resting her head on my shoulder and JJ on the floor, staring into nothingness.

        JJ has been with me since everything happened, camping out in my living room while Emma has been sleeping with me in my room, never being able to sleep by herself or she'd wake up screaming from nightmares.

        "JJ buddy, you hungry?" I asked him after another twenty minutes of him lost in his head.

         I received a grunt.

        Ok so we're grunting now, that's fine.

        "Does that mean yes or no?"

        "No." He growled.

        Fucking growled.

        "Freaking fine then." I murmured as I quickly looked down at Emma who was trying to fall asleep.

        "You want to go to bed sweetie?"

        She clung tighter to my shirt and quickly shook her head.

        I sighed and laid a quick kiss to her head.

        Getting my phone out of my pocket when it buzzed, I saw a text from Jaxon.

        Jaxon: I fucking found something.



        I was walking down the sidewalk of New York City. I got here just tonight and was quickly making my way to one of the buildings where I was set to meet my boss. I was scrolling through instagram when someone texted me.

        Boss: Fucking here yet?

        I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into my pocket. Fucking shithead.

        I made my way to the entrance and went inside. The secretary knew who I was since I've been there before, and she let me into the elevator without hesitance.

        I jammed my finger into the 46th button and sighed.

        I never knew I was going to be involved in gangs and that kind of life until I was approached by someone and they gave me a deal I could never refuse.

         I finally got to the floor and walked down the short hallway to the office.

        I walked in and smiled at the man I consider my father sitting with a familiar face; Ryder.

        I scowled at Ryder. This piece of shit has been trying to undermine me this whole mission, trying to make him appear better in the gang leaders' eyes. I turned to the man I consider my father and smirked.

        "Hey Andre."

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