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dude it's so hard tying a book all together like... how-


"Calm her down!" The officer commanded his partner.

"I-I fucking can't!" The second one panted as he struggled to hold on to a squirming, squealing girl.

"I need Scar! Scar!" The girl yelled, the same phrase she's been yelling since the four officers found her in her cell, covered in her own blood.

"Who is Scar?" The female officer who was standing over the three asked.

"She's an inmate..." Her partner murmured, standing by the entrance of the cell.

There were four officers in all, having been called from their break to help this inmate.

"You think we'll get in trouble if we show her Scar for a bit?" The first male asked.

"I think we should risk it." His partner panted as he continued keeping Olivia's four limbs tied down.

"We should do it." The two females agreed.

"Fine. Let's take her."


"This is Scar's cell?" The third female whispered to the first male.

"Yeah," he murmured back before turning to the inmate he was propping up on a wall. "She's probably sleeping right now Olivia. You sure you don't want to go to a hospital?"

"Scar." Olivia said groggily.

"Get her in there." Someone murmured before opening Scar's cell and shoving Olivia in.


Scar was awoken by whispering outside her cell, so once someone opened the door she was wide awake.

Someone was practically thrown in the cell before it was closed again, and rapid footsteps walked away.

"What the fuc-"

"Scar." The person said.

"Oh shit." Scar groaned, already knowing who it was. "What the fuck are you doing in here Olivia?"

"This is your own fault Scar. This is all your fault." Olivia snarled as she kept one hand on her side, and the other one behind her back.

"What happened to you?" Scar asked, pointing to her hand that was drenched in blood.

"It was your doing Scar."

Scar snorted. "Please stop making this sound like a horror movie. What happened, you fall on a knife or something?"

"Or something." Olivia murmured before bringing her other hand in front of her.

Scar saw the knife that was in her hands and whistled. "Bitch, I think that knife cut you."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "When will you ever grow up?"

"Apparently not ever if you're trying to do what I think you're doing."

"You want to know who sent me?" Olivia asked as she leisurely stepped closer to the bed Scar was sitting on.

"I'm sure you're going to tell-"

"Remember your uncle?"

Scar paused. "What uncle?"

Olivia laughed. "It's not like you have another one."

Scar frowned, the right side of her face curving into a snarl. "What the hell does he want?"

"More than you rotting in prison forever?" Olivia inched forward. "He wants you gone. He doesn't want you here anymore. He doesn't want-"

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