Relaxing...then that happened

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War is coming...


Panting the young (y/n) fell onto the bed tired out of his mind as he laid there completely worn from Khrone's training.

Slaanesh: "Poor (y/n) my brother has been training you so hard,"

Khrone: "Shut it you slut I've been hard him for good reason,"

Slaanesh: "You shouldn't be so hard on him, after all, he is our host and besides he needs to relax and I know just how to,"


Slaanesh: "Thank you Tzeentch,"

Tzeentch: "That won't hold him for long and besides the only reason why I'm doing this if Khrone keeps him doing this he will be over worked and die...I can't have that for my plans,"

Isha: "Though Slaanesh I think I should do this,"


Nurgle: "I don't like the sound of this,"

(y/n): "What are you guys talking about,"

Slaanesh: "You'll see my chosen~"

As she said this (y/n)'s eyes flashed pinkish-purple as his body began to glow brightly as a pair of arms came out of his back before out came a beautiful woman with long waist high hair:

As she said this (y/n)'s eyes flashed pinkish-purple as his body began to glow brightly as a pair of arms came out of his back before out came a beautiful woman with long waist high hair:

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Slaanesh: "Ahhh finally some breathing room,"

(y/n) turned around slightly surprised to see one of the chaos gods before him as she turned over to him with a smile.

Slaanesh: "Hi there my sweet,"

(y/n): "How did you get out of me?"

Smiling Slaanesh crawled onto the bed that he was on as (y/n) backed himself into the headboard as Slaanesh looked down on top of him.

Slaanesh: "Simple a simple magic spell but don't worry I'm still bound to you so I can show you how to Relax," 

(y/n) gulped remembering what Magnus the red had said about her but somehow knew he could trust the goddess of excess.

Slaanesh: "Come to mommy my darling,"

Gently grabbing his head he moved him into her lap as (y/n) was surprised at what was happening though he expected something different but was glad at what was happening as he laid there on the sex goddess's lap. Gently she moved her hands through his hair as (y/n) felt the love that Slaanesh was giving him though he could feel Khrone at the back of his mind pounding to be free of Tzeentch's hold.

Slaanesh's Thighs were extremely soft and warm making the feeling of his sore muscles melt away from the warmth that was given off of Slaanesh. As his eyelids began to grow heavy as they did Slaanesh smiled down as she petted the host on her, but before anything could happen the window to his room was shattered as a pair of black wings entered the room. Shooting up the Hoist moved out of the way as a spear was jabbed into his bed, Slaanesh vanished with a scowl on her face.

Slaanesh: "WHO IS THIS BITCH!"


(y/n): "I don't have a weapon!"

Khrone: "Yes you do,"

In a flash a weapon appeared in his hand.

In a flash a weapon appeared in his hand

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Ignore the hand)

???: "Interesting,"

With the Ax in hand (y/n) slashed at the attacker as the black-winged person moved back but due to Khrone's training (y/n) was faster as he slashed into the gut of the attack. Blood was shot onto the walls of the room as the attacker screamed in pain, falling onto the ground holding there gut.

(y/n): "That was easy,"

Khrone: "Yeah you're welcome,"

(y/n): "Um yeah thanks for the help Khrone,"

???: "Who the fuck are you talking to?"

(y/n)'s eyes flashed red.

(y/n)/Khrone: "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!"

Kicking the attack in the face as blood was shot onto the nightstand as (y/n) returned to normal.

(y/n): "Whoa...Khrone was that you?"

Khrone: "Yeah...that was me...huh didn't know I could do that,"

(y/n): "Well then...what do we do with her?"

Turning over to the female on the floor who was bleeding (Y/n) could feel as Slaanesh smiled in his mind. In a flash, the Ax in his hands was replaced with a cat-of-nine whip as (y/n) looked down at the weapon before realizing what it was for.

(y/n): "Slaanesh I'm kinda behind on my interrogation skills mind if you help me out here?"

Slaanesh: "Yes but I don't think your room is the best place for this,"

(y/n): "Than were is?"

Slaanesh: "Tzeentch how about you teach him out pocket dimension magic?"

Tzeentch: "Gladly now kid this is what you need to do,"


The fallen angel awoke gasping for air as pain rocket through her body as she looked up to see she was in some kind of darkroom. Confused she tried to move but her hands and wings were chained to the ceiling as she gasped, looking down she saw she was in her underwear her pale skin was exposed to the coolness of the room.

???: "Good your awake,"

Looking up the Fallen angel tried to move but the chains held her down as (y/n) walked into the light with his whip in hand.

(y/n): "Now then how about we have a talk of how you tried to kill me,"

FA: "Go fuck yourself,"

???: "Oooooh as much as I like to see that I'm afraid that won't be happening, sweetie,"

The angel watched as the lady from before appeared floating in the air next to (y/n) with a smile on her face as she looked at the Fallen angel. Cresting the head of (Y/n) the angel watched as the human's eyes turned from (e/c) to Pinkish-Purple.

???: "Now then-lover how about you get to work teaching this Brat the punishment for disturbing a Goddess and there hoist,"

(y/n): "Yes Slaanesh,"

???: "I think you and I are going to have fun while I teach you how to make a bird sing,"


Two chapters in one day? That is rare to see!

My four 'body'room mates (Reader x highschool dxd) (Cancelled)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat