A 'accident' and a book

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The hostile a place of healing is a place were most of the time its quiet and usually there are aren't anything serious more than a twisted ankle. Now? It was packed to the brim with people from a accident that involved a glass leak that caused a entire street to explode as the people on the street or in cars were in a fire ball of flame as almost 700 hundred people were dead.

The number was increasing as patents were dying from shock, blood lose, or otherwise the head doctor was currently doing anything in his power to save their lives but they were dropping like flies. Until him, a kid with a piece of metal sticking from his head walked in with a book in his hand and went over to the doctor before speaking.

???: "Help me,"

With that the boy pasted out in the doctors arms, he was quickly sent to any of the ER rooms as fast as he could. For 8 hours he worked on saving the young man's life as he did everything in his power to do so, for he was the last one from the accident that was alive. Many of his fellow doctors told him to give up but he refused as if something was controlling him to do so.

After those painful 8 hours the piece of metal was removed and the young man was alive and well asleep with a nasty case of memory lose and what seemed to be server brain damage

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After those painful 8 hours the piece of metal was removed and the young man was alive and well asleep with a nasty case of memory lose and what seemed to be server brain damage. They all thought he wasn't going to make it though the night, but he did then they though he wasn't going to wake up.

It seemed like that for nine days till today...


Everything was fuzzy as the world seemed to be going in slo-mo as I opened my heavy eye lids as I saw something I wasn't familiar with. A bright room that made my eyes burn, they were closed for a moment before opening as my vision danced around to see a woman in a white outfit. She didn't notice me but I moved my hand and tried to speak but my voice came as a silent sound to my ears.

But she heard me as she turned to me she was surprised to see me awake as she held out her hand and spoke but I couldn't hear her as she exit the room. Looking down I looked at my body it was covered in white wraps and covered in metal to hold them down so I wouldn't move. Then everything came back to me how to move, talk, hear, and wait what! I held my face my covered hand over my left eye.

My memories they were gone! I don't even know who I am!

Before I could do anything a man in white clothing entered the room as he spoke I could hear but I didn't care I wanted to know who I was!

(days later)


That's what they're called, before I didn't know but I know now they were the ones who saved me from a piece of metal in my head. They said it was a metrical that I still had my emotions as my frontal lobe had taken serious damage but they said I was facing amnesia, a condition when one losses there memories maybe forever because of the brain damage.

I had nothing, but a book.

It held my name, I was named (y/n) but the rest of the book was blank as it only held a awful handwriting of my name

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It held my name, I was named (y/n) but the rest of the book was blank as it only held a awful handwriting of my name. But is also 'take care of him' no one knew why and most likely I didn't write it, in a few days I was going to be free to leave the hospital after a few more CAT scans. They told me I was going to go to place call a school to learn. But they were shocked as I was able to recited the worlds history after a IQ test, they told me I had a photographic memory along with maybe being a prodigy or shorts.

My doctor joked that the metal did my brain some good, but I some how knew it was something else as if there was something(s) inside me that reached throughout. I could fell fire in my body as my mind kept changing thinking about so many different things at once, my body felt rotten but at the same time healthy, and my soul I desired to do something than be on this bed.

They told me after my IQ test was so high I was going to be sent to a dorm school called Kuoh academy. I was to be given a dorm there and along with a highschool education along with a allowance if I help clean the school.

Using a kid for work? From what I read of these rules that they have doesn't sound very legal but as long as I get 'money' I will be able to get enough to survive in this boarding world. I wish there could be more to this world, this world has pleasures in it and I wanted to find what they felt like. One of these was drawing I have started to drawing in my book strange draws that I have no idea what they are half the time.

Every time I did one the doctors and nurses would complement me that it was well done and highly detail but I would see every flaw! I kept drawing more and more for some reason the book would earse images that I didn't like if I flipped the page. It was strange but I didn't question it for from what I've seen in this world there was such thing as the supernatural. Could my book hold supernatural aspects? Maybe I didn't care I need to work on my drawings!

But I was unaware of the four beings that rested in my body.


1018 words holy chaos that was fun to write as writing should be, I mean some guy said I shouldn't write because I lost interest in a story and it didn't fell fun to write so yeah but this story and my other more 'less' chaos story will be fun!

My four 'body'room mates (Reader x highschool dxd) (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now