Questions & Missions

Start from the beginning

Talon gave a small smile at how concerned Penny was about not seeing him again or anything just as bad or worse. But it doesn't have to end like that; there has to be some other way.

"I understand your argument. But nothing bad has to happen. I mean people don't need to know except the two of us! We could date secretly or something!" He says suggestively while looking at her and throwing his hands in the air for emphasis.

Penny's eyes look shocked at first but later soften as she looks at the ground. "That could work-" she said still thinking deeply " But something inside me still doesn't feel right about the whole thing..." she said.

Just before Talon was about to protest, the two teenagers heard someone scream down the hallway of Penny's room.

"PENNY! Are you still awake! I finally found that special pancake recipe I was talking about! You and brain are in for a real treat tomorrow morning!" The voice said,  obviously belonging to Penny's bumbling uncle; Inspector Gadget, who was heading that way!

Penny and Talon both looked at eachother frantically, in obvious Panick. This wasn't good! Who knows how her Uncle would react to finding 'Penny's friend' as he calls him, in her room and things wouldn't be so friendly after that....

"We'll finish this convo later!!! but right now you really need to go!!!' Penny says whisper-shouting while quickly pushing the Mad boy, gesturing him to leave.

"Couldn't agree more, Pretty Pen!-" He says matching her actions and getting up to leave. Penny gets up too and escorts him while pushing him to the door separating her room and the balcony. "-But before I do.." He says smirking mischievously.

And before Penny could process his words he quickly bent down and gave her a quick but passionate kiss on her cheek and before she could do anything to hurt him, he turns on his boots and hovers a fair distance above the ground.

"Talon Claw! You're so gonna pay for that!!!" She says holding her cheek and blushing but with a glare on her face.

"Aww you liked it??Don't worry, I promise to pay you with much more kisses; not just on the cheek next time we meet, Ok? Text me!" He smirks and with that, he blasts away into the night while laughing just to piss Penny more.

Penny groans and enters her room before her Uncle arrives and closes the door behind her.

Remind me why I like that guy, again? Oh because he's handsome and charming....but why does he have to be such an dangerously annoying dork??!! *sigh*

It's not that I didn't like the kiss, but the fact that he just surprised me with it and then ran away, just like that, Seriously! I mean; Who does that!!!

*sigh* Talon does apparently....but whatever I still lov-LIKE! That's right! Like him For the dork he is. I hope we talk soon so that we fix our tiny relationship door bursts open and here comes my uncle, just in the nick of time too.

"Penny, Marvelous! You're awake! But why are you standing near the balcony door?" He asks.

"Oh you know, just stretching before going to bed, he he" I answer lamely but he buys it.

"Ok then, but before you snooze off, I wanted to show this special pancake recipe my grandma gadget would always use! Her pancakes were delicious! And she didn't use watermelons??!!!" He bursts out excitedly.

Ofcourse she didn't; who even puts watermelons in pancakes?!! At least Uncle G has been enlightened on that part.

After he's done yapping about his pancakes, I collapse in my bed to get some sleep after this 'Mad' day.

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