Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Grant fumbled clumsily with the seven seaters door handle, eventually bundling himself into the rear without managing to lose any of his precious Indian cargo. He was soon joined by Steve in the back seats with a similarly sized feed, lastly David and Tim occupied the front, their culinary purchases guarded expertly by the navigator. As soon as the rustling of coats and loaded bags of take-away subsided, Tim stretched behind himself to check on the passengers. 

'All ready for the off then lads?' Both Steve and Grant checked for their wallets and answered simultaneously. They had stopped off earlier for cash after they had placed their orders, then voiced that they were ready to do so. Tim looked at Grant coolly and made a 'ring me' gesture to him. Grant acknowledged as the penny dropped. Tim fired the seven seater into life as Grant rummaged around his pocket and produced his phone. It took him only a few seconds to realise that there was a problem. He cursed under his breath but not quietly enough for Steve to hear him. 

'What's up?' 

Grant showed Steve the screen of his phone. 'I've got no bloody signal. Check yours will ya?' 

Steve complied but suffered the same result. Tim had picked up on the activity and questioned the boys on the problem. 'You ok back there fellas?' 

Both shook their heads with faces that oozed concern though Grant covered up the fact convincingly with his response. 'Yeah not bad mate, just the fact that either of us can't get a signal on our phones that's all.' 

Tim shot the pair a worrying look that was greeted by both Steve and Grant firing back open mouthed looks of terror at their joint failure. 

'No you won't get much of a signal around certain areas boys.' David informed them confidently. 'It seems to cut out intermittently for about a ten mile radius then picks up again near the house. I'm afraid that's living in the sticks for you.' 

Their responses were half hearted and barely audible, though inside their minds and on their features screamed panic. Tim set off but purposely slowed the seven seaters speed down in a valiant attempt to gain Spider and Jason valuable time back home, a detail picked up upon by David, though cool as ever, Tim highlighted the reason to Jason's father that he was a little wary of the roads being unfamiliar to him and that he wanted to take things carefully on the trip back. David agreed with Tim's actions positively whilst glances were swapped secretly between the three young men. Steve suddenly bounced up and down in his seat. Grant gave him an unenthusiastic stare as he once again checked on the status of his phones signal, or lack of it. 'What's the matter with you?' 

'I've just thought.' 

'What about? The fact that you can be an annoying tit at times or that if you keep bouncing around like that then you're gonna Spill Vindaloo all over the carpets?' 

'No, I forgot to get some Diet coke in the take away. I can't eat this stuff without some.' 

Tim looked at Steve through the rear view with a look of total confusion, silently mouthing 'What?' whilst Grant refrained from holding back as he quizzed his friend. 

'What are you on about?' 

Steve jabbed a thumb behind him. 'We've gotta go back and get some or I can't eat it.' 

Grant realised what Steve was getting at and jumped to his defence unconvincingly. 'Oh yeah, no that's right mate, no you can't eat curry without coke can you? Yeah funny that, I completely forgot. Yeah, we're gonna have to go back.' 

'I think there's some in the fridge at home Steve.' David informed him. You can help yourself to that if you like.' 

Steve stammered a response which was backed up feebly again by Grant. Tim winced whilst he concentrated driving but kept quiet thinking that Laurel and Hardy were doing a grand enough job trying to gain Spider and Jason extra time between themselves without the need for his interference. 'Ahhh yeah, you said you think there might be some but you're not a hundred percent sure? I'm sorry Mr. C but I can't take that risk. You know what Jason's like, the boy eats and drinks like it's his last day on earth. Can we go back and get some please? Sorry to be a pain.' 

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