Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

The alarm pulsed through the air and echoed out into the black corridor at a deafening volume. Rhann instinctively covered the door without another word as he prepared himself for the company that up until this stage, had pointed out was unusually lacking in this kind of situation. 

Jason hurried over to Jo and freed her of her bindings. Her look of elation had turned to one of fear as her eyes had grown like a startled animal. He put his arm around her waist as he attempted to help her to her feet but in true Jo fashion, she managed most of the task by herself, though unlike her, their was no little sniping quip at Jason's obvious display of concern towards her. 

'You ok?'  

The tone in which the question was asked surprised Jo slightly because of the way their banter-ridden relationship had been constructed. She could see in the way that it had changed, for always. He was reacting so strongly to her condition that clearly stated her welfare meant a lot to him. A flash of sarcasm raced across her mind to reply, to alleviate her initial feeling towards his actions but she was intelligent enough and sensitive enough to know that it was inappropriate at that moment. Anyway, she knew that in reality she was emotionally shattered at what had happened to her tonight. She had no real place in her heart to put up the barrier of wit that she constantly hid her fragility behind. Jason was being caring and she needed it. He gently brushed her hair away from her swollen cheek, revealing more damage inflicted on her, until recently, flawless features. She could tell what he saw was upsetting him. She grasped his hand assuredly.  

'Yes, I think so. Give me a couple of minutes to get moving again and I'll be fine.' 

'You sure?' 

'Yes, sure.' Jo smiled faintly. 'Thank you Jason.' she turned and looked at the giant soldier. 'Both of you.' 

Rhann turned. 'No problem young lady. Now I hate to be a spoilsport but if we don't shift it, this little rescue will have been a waste of time so we need to get a move on.' 

Jason answered back confidently. 'No worries mate, we're there.' Jo stretched as she attempted to shake off the stiffness caused by the overly tight bindings and her rough treatment by her kidnappers. 

'Can you take Kato?' Jason held out the wicker basket to Jo. 

'Who's Kato?'  

'Well it's a cat isn't it? What else would you have in a cat basket?' Jason found a window back to their normal relationship. In the few minutes previous to their reunion, he had felt more anxious about her safety than anything else in his past that he could remember. Seeing her safe, although her plight was evident, was enough to cling to. Thoughts of her mother's demise in front of his eyes less than a few hours ago rushed into his mind but it was just too much to put on her, so in some strange way he took her potential grief on for her. She would have to know but not to the extent of what he had seen. If it meant that he would have to lie to soften the blow and the origin of her death, he could live with it. Jo frowned at Jason's lack of patience in an all too familiar way that to him showed that she was still the same girl that he had grown to like. She had obviously had a hard time of it recently but she was still intact, still fiery, still Jo.  

'Who can tell with you Conroy? Nothing would surprise me after tonight.' 

Rhann butted into the teenagers conversation, the accent of frustration had grown thicker over the passing, dawdling seconds. 'I hate to break this double act but people, please, while we're young?!' 

With added haste due to the convincing request from the giant in the doorway, Jason, Jo and the basket piled out into the corridor. Instinctively, Rhann turned his attention to the direction they had just come from. It was only just before reaching the turn did Rhann suddenly screech to a stop. His blocking hand was not quick enough to avoid a pile-up behind him. 

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