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He moves to fully stand up and begins to exit the room. Before he shuts the door he turns around and looks back at me again. "Hopefully sometime soon you'll understand what I mean." He says and exits the room.

What does he even mean by that? Is there more to this situation that I don't know about? There must be, why else would Louis say that?

I'm left alone in my room with my thoughts for the rest of the night, wondering how Harry's doing, wondering what my punishment will be, wondering about what my father has been up to, wondering if there's more for me to find out in the long run. Will I even get out of here?


I'm laying here, in the bed that I've unfortunately grown used to way too fast

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I'm laying here, in the bed that I've unfortunately grown used to way too fast. Although there's no windows in my room, I can hear the thunder rumbling and loud tapping of the rain going on outside. I have no clue what time it is, but I know it's late.

I haven't heard from or seen Harry since the incident happened and to be honest, I've been waiting here expecting him to hurdle through the door like the crazy man he is and punish me. To put a gun to my head. To scream and yell at the top of his lungs. But time continues to tick by with no sign of him. Not one peep. I haven't seen Louis since either, and his words still continue to pound through my skull.

I may not know Harry the way Louis or any of his other strange friends do, but all I've been shown is a negative side. I've been tossed around, held at gun point, almost raped, and oh yeah, kidnapped. What do you expect me to do? Just sit here and take it all? Obviously, acting out isn't the answer. I've learned that the hard way, even though I don't usually act out.

Even though it was my intention to kill Harry, I'm kind of glad that I missed and hit his shoulder instead. I don't know what I was thinking, I could never hurt a fucking fly! I've only been kidnapped for a couple days and I'm already beginning to change. I'm handling situations immaturely and that's not how I am.

I don't know what would have happened to me if I killed Harry. I'd for sure feel awful about it afterwards, but it's out of defense... right? He is obviously a very powerful man who has thousands of people working for him. They obviously would have known it was me. I can't even imagine what they would try to do to me. Would my dad even bother helping? Would he help me get home, or would he side with his job?

I feel like I don't even know my father anymore. I'm afraid that if I do get out of here, things will be different between us. It's not like I can just accept the fact that this is his job. Especially not after the way that I found out. Maybe if he was honest with me, things would have been different. I just wish I could understand why he would work for something so illegal. Like, what was the reasoning behind it? What happened to his other job? He used to be a realtor and was very good at his job, selling and buying homes left and right. Was it not enough? When did he make this change? How long has he been hiding this from me? Did my mom ever know about this?

I have so many questions that continue to stay unanswered and probably will stay that way for a while.

I sighed loudly as I sat up on my bed. Sitting here in this empty room was beginning to drive me crazy. A type of crazy that I've grown used to in such little time. I think it's beginning to sink in, the fact that I probably won't be going home. At least not any time soon. After today's events, I just lost a whole lot of hope. Hope that I've been holding onto for as long as I could. But Harry has beaten it out of me.

I know giving up isn't a good idea, and I shouldn't give in and give Harry what he wants. But I'm drained. I'm tired, physically, mentally and emotionally. I don't have it in me to fight with him anymore. It's clear that I'm never going to get past him and he's always going to get what he wants whenever he wants.

Maybe I should just put up with it and deal with the fact that this is my life. For god knows how long. And if I want things to be less stressful between Harry and I, I should probably just comply with his needy demands.

Maybe if I build up his trust again, he'll let me go out on my own again. I know that will probably take months for that to ever happened again, but I have to make it work. He obviously wanted to trust me the first time, and I obviously failed at that. But if I can learn to just behave myself, I can gain his trust again and maybe he'll loosen the leash he has on me.

A smile grows on my lips at the thought. But then the frown returns.

What if it doesn't work? He's unbelievably smart and somehow just knows everything. It's like he can read my mind. He's ahead of me all the time and it's hard to keep up with him. At this point, all I can do is try, right?

I can feel a slight amount of hope coming back to me and it scares me. The thought of losing all hope again is draining me. I'm unsure if I can even do that again. If it were to happen, Harry would have one hundred percent control over me. I can feel it, and it would not be a good feeling. He's already super controlling now.

"Dawn?" I heard the familiar voice speak that I've been waiting for hours upon hours for. My heart rate slightly increased as the door began to open.

"We need to have a little talk." He spoke as a gasp left my mouth at the sight in front of me.


Hey ! Here's an update! I know much doesn't happen in this chapter like y'all were hoping for... but I wanted to keep you guys on your toes lolllll. So I just kept it mainly within Dawns thoughts and what she's thinking about right now, but I promise the next chapter will have some action!

Quick question, if y'all were in Dawns shoes, would you be mad at dad? Or try to understand the situation?

I want to see what you guys think!

Remember to VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE!!

-narryshippings <3

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