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If there was other things in the room, I'd probably throw that instead.

I'm now full on crying as I sit with my knees pulled to my chest. I just want to get out of here. I want to go home. I want to get away from Harry and his creepy friends. I want to see Kassie. I want to sleep in my own bed in my own room.

But right now, I've officially lost all hope that anyone will come to find me. I've lost hope that anyone has even realized I'm missing.


"What the actual fuck?" I hear someone shout

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"What the actual fuck?" I hear someone shout.

My eyes fly open at the sudden outburst. I sit up quickly, forgetting where I am for a moment before realizing I'm still locked inside the bedroom. I stand up quickly to look out the bathroom window only to find it was dark outside. I had no idea what time it was.

"Mate, calm down, would you? It's not that big of a deal." I hear another voice say. I run towards the door and place my ear against it to get a better sound.

"Not that big of a deal? Are you kidding me, Liam?" The deep voice yells back. I already could tell it was Harry. "If people keep thinking I'm just gonna let this slide, they will continue to do the same thing over and over again. If they keep doing this shit, I'm going to start losing money and this business goes down the fucking drain."

"So you just want us to kill them then?" I hear Liam respond sarcastically.

"If that's the way it has to be to get them to stop sitting on their asses then so be it." I can hear Harry standing up and walking up the stairs angrily. My eyes widen when I realize he's coming to my door. I run back over to the bed, careful not to trip over anything in the dark and pretend to be asleep.

I hear Harry fumble with the locks and push the door open quickly. I can hear his footsteps coming closer after he shuts the door behind him. I continue to pretend to sleep as I feel the bed dip beside me. My heart rate begins to pick up as I feel his hands push away the strands of hair that have covered my face.

"I know you're awake, Dawn." He speaks, my heart leaps when he does. How does he know?

Ignoring his comment, I don't move or open my eyes. I hear him chuckle beside me. "I just came to see if you were hungry, but it seems like you're too busy trying to avoid me." He says before standing up again.


I groan, much louder than intended too. "I take that as a yes you are hungry?" He questions again as I sit up. I nod, not really wanting to talk. He smiles darkly before gripping me by the arm for what seems like the millionth time since I've met him and drags me down the stairs behind him.

"Must you always drag me everywhere?" I huff, knowing that I'm testing his patience.

"Don't start with me." He groans as we reach the bottom of the stairs. As soon as we step in the kitchen, four sets of eyes land on me. Immediately, I begin to cower away behind Harry. Their stares were too intense for me.

"Well hello." The blonde speaks, smirking as he does. I only stare at him not wanting to speak, earning a laugh from all of them, including Harry.

"Don't be shy love, we don't bite." The blue eye boy with brunette hair grins widely at me.

"Leave her be, guys." Harry mumbles before moving away from me, making me feel even more exposed and vulnerable. "What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter." I reply, still standing in the same spot.

He briefly glances at me before speaking. "Well, I can't cook so I'd end up just giving you cereal again. Make whatever you'd like, I'll be in the living room with these idiots." He points to the four others as they stand to leave the room.

As soon as the others leave the room, Harry grapes my arm forcefully and stares me right in my eyes causing me to whimper at his sudden actions. "I swear to God, Dawn, if you try anything fucking stupid, you will pay for it. Understood?"

I nod looking up into his terrifyingly dark green eyes, and he finally releases me from his tight grip and walks in the same direction the other four went.

After he walks out, my appetite slowly disappears. I decided on just eating a bowl of cereal. I pour a little bit of cereal into the bowl and a little bit of milk. I grab a spoon and start taking slow and small bites. My mind is now moving a million miles a minute. My anxiety is through the roof and it's starting to make me feel nauseous.

Where on earth could Harry have taken me now? Why is my dad not looking for me? Is he still on the business trip? Is he even on a business trip? Does he know Harry has me held captive in God knows where?

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if he did at this point. And I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be stuck here for a long time, my father is so stingy when it comes to money sometimes. He doesn't just give it to anyone.

The sadness that lingers my head becomes stronger as I realize what kind of mess this really is and how serious it is. My father is basically a criminal. If mom were here, there's no way in hell she'd let him do something like this. But then again, he'd probably keep it from her too.

"What are you gonna do about the money, Harry?" I hear one of the guys say lowly, trying to keep the conversation private.

"I don't know." He hear Harry sigh, the frustration is clear in his voice.

"Her father is one of my best employees, if I kill him I'll lose even more money." My heart sinks at his words. He wants to kill my dad? I slowly stand up and quietly stand by the door, making sure to stay out of sight.

"Then don't kill him." Another voice says, sounds like Liam.

"What else am I suppose to do? If he continues to work for me then I need him to start bringing in payments on time. If he doesn't I need to cut him out of the branch so that supplies don't continue to go to waste. And if I cut him out I need to kill him, he knows too much about us and I can't trust a single soul not to speak on it." Harry murmurs quietly.

I gasp slightly, my eyes widen. He can't kill my father! This is bullshit. As much as I want to go out there and say something, I don't. If Harry knows that I've been eavesdropping, he'll get pissed.

"He gets back from his trip tomorrow night, I'll make sure to be there and let him know that I have his daughter. He can have his daughter back when he gives me the money. If threatens to call the police, I'll just have to kill him, and probably her if she becomes too difficult to deal with." He sighs loudly.

My heart shatters into pieces. This can't be happening. This all has to be a dream.

My breathing increases as I return to my seat in from of my bowl of cereal. I rest my hands on the table and stare down at the now soggy cereal. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes as Harry's words ring through my ears.

I'm fucking screwed.

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