Ch. 1 - Logan Bureau | ✔

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The picture above is Logan


(Published: May 25, 2020)

Hello guys, this is sorta a prologue. Half the story will be Logan's past and the other half, his present, so enjoy.

I have noticed that people do music playlist, so heres my Fighting/Training Montage songs.


Note: The music order will be like this.
#. Song Title, Artist - (Fighting or Training Song)

Music Playlist

1. Devil Eyes, Hippie Sabotage - (Fighting Song)
2. Nate, NF - (Training Song)
3. Trust Nobody, Hippie Sabotage - (Fighting Song)
4. Options, Hippie Sabotage - (Training Song)
5. Stressed Out, Twenty One Pilots - (Training Song)
6. On Your Mind, Kaskade - (Fighting Song)
7. Nevermind, Denis Lloyd - (Training Song)
8. Coffee, Hippie Sabotage - (Fighting Song)

Note: If ya guys or girls are wondering. Yes, Hippie Sabotage is one of my favorite artist.


Logan's Description - 17, 6'2, muscular, Tanned, Jet-black hair--long on the top and shaved on the sides--and greenish-Blue eyes.

838 Words, Total.


(7 Years Ago)

°3rd Person POV°

Logan was playing outside in his yard, while his parents were discussing with someone in a all-black suit

What they're discussing inside, is about Logan being taken, so he can become a skilled street fighter.

"What will you make him do, and what will you give us in exchange?" Logan's Father asked.

"Well he'll train until he's 13 then he'll fight and train harder, once he's 16, he may move back in..." Suit-Man trails off.

"Ok...How about what we'll get in exchange?" Logan's Father repeated, wanting money instead of his child.

"Well, you'll get half the money he wins, Then me and my organization gets the other half. Winnings can go from 5 to 10 K, So your half can go from 2.5 to 5 K. Do we have a deal?" Suit-Man says holding out his gloved hand, Logan's Father nods and shakes his hand.

Logan's Mother sits on the couch balling her eyes out, partially cause Logan is being taken, partially cause Logan's Father slapped her.


(Info Time)

Logan's Father--Or well known as Johnny 'John' Bureau and Mr.JB--is a Mafia Boss, and Suit-Man is the Owner of an Illegal street fighting club.

Suit-Man--Or well known as Mr.Mollens--is a type of guy to go around and do deals with people like Logan's Father, so he can take their 10 year old children and train them to become deadly fighters.

Then, as soon as the kids turn 16 they're back home, with a not so happy welcome. And they're forced to live a life of crime with their parents, Father, or Mother. Which ever one is into crime.

(End of Info Time)

Now, when Mr.Mollens shook John's hand, Mr.Mollens sent some goons from inside the house, to fetch the child and take him to the club.

(A Few Hours Later)

Logan and the goons finally arrive and then walk into the club, which is called Club DeathStreet.

they walk down a set of stairs and to a HUGE room with a big circle in the middle and a fence all around it, and a 'One-Way' entry.

Then they went to a office room and Logan was told to sit, which he did.

The goons left and guarded the office door, Logan soon got up and looked around for something to play with.

After a bit of looking around, he finally found something in the desk. A gun.

(30 Minutes Later)


The gun Logan was messing with went off and shot the doornob off the door, making the door swing open.

The goons slowly looked in the room, back at each other, and then back in the room again, at a laughing Logan.

"What. The. Fuck. What just happened?" the first goon said.

"I have, NO idea." the second goon responded, laughing a bit.

"Inform the Boss." the first goon says while keeping an eye on Logan, "I'll watch the kid and get that gun from him. You go on."

"Alright, back in a bit" the second goon said, walking away.

The goon thats still with Logan, grabs the gun and puts it somewhere up high, so Logan can't get it.

The goon then, sits down and watchs logan until the second goon gets back.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Alright, the Boss should be here in a litte bit. He's currently attending some 'Work' right now." the second goon says while walking into the room.

"Good. Maybe the Boss can shapin this kid up and make him a little more 'Loyal' to everyone." the first goon said with a smug look.

May 25, 2020

(Around every other day, I'll be posting a new chapter, but i am working on a different story so it'll be a bit till both of them are complete. When one is complete i'll post an update in this story)

My other story's title: The Lone Wolf (InComplete)

My other story's genre: Werewolf


There will be one song on top of every chapter. Starting on Chapter 2.

✅Logan Bureau, The Fighter (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now