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"So, Liz," I can see her flinch a little as I say her name, "why exactly are you making so much food?"

She giggles and continues kneading her dough. "We actually have dinner guest. I thought it would be a nice change." She gives me a perky smile.

"Who have you invited?" I watch as she pulls apart pieces of dough and places it in a tray.

"Well, I ran into Joy today." She explains

Suddenly my heart begins to beat a little fast. I play with my hands and ask, "So, Joy and her family are coming over tonight..."

She looks up, "Yes...well only her and Calum. His father works pretty late so I think Joy will bring him leftover."

"Oh..." I move a piece if hair out of my face.

"Are you alright, sweety?" She wipes her hands and touches my face. I pull away a little too quickly, causing her to frown a bit. She steps back and picks up right where she left off.

"I'm-I'm okay..I'm gonna go see how Luke's doing." I walk away quickly, feeling really bad about pulling away.

I know she cares about me and I care about her a lot. But it's hard seeing that everyday, my mom is fading away. Like everything she used to do, is being replaced by Liz.

I knock on Luke's door loudly. His music is blaring and if I knocked any softer, he would definitely not hear it.

"Hey," he appears taking his seat again.

"Hey," I say throwing myself on his bed. I look around at his band posters. He had great taste. That's one thing I loved about him.

"What's up, Sis?" He turns around and plays with a ball, throwing it up and down.

"Um, not much, just that Calum and Joy are coming over for dinner, I guess." I say with a small groan.

"Oh really? That's cool. Cal's pretty sick." Luke nods as he watches his ball go airborne.

"Yeah, he's cool. Just don't really know what it'll be like tonight. I mean, I don't really talk to him." I trail off.

"Yeah, I get it. I don't know, just be yourself." He puts his ball down on his desk and grabs his guitar. "Hey, help me with this chorus, would you?"

"What did you need help with?" I glance at his music and sit up.

"Just do that harmony thing you do, okay?" He begins playing I Miss You by blink182, which was personally an all time favorite of mine.

Luke was talented. Like really talented, but he acted like he wasn't. I guess around our school, singing and playing an instrument wasn't very 'cool.' So he didn't do any showcases or talent shows or anything.

As he sang the verse, I nodded to the beat of his strumming. Then I sang with him on the chorus. "Okay, cool, cool." Luke made some marks on the paper and tucked the pencil behind his ear. "You know Michael, right?"

I nod. "Red hair? Yeah."

"Well we kinda want to start posting stuff on Youtube," he laughs, "who knows? Weight become famous."

I roll my eyes and laugh at him. "In your dreams Hemmings."

"I know, right." He continues playing as I leave his room. Only to be hit by someone. "Whoa there.." He laughs.

I gulp looking up at him. "Um..I-"

"Geez, Dani watch where you're going." He plays around, still holding on to my arms.

"I'm sorry..." I look away, trying to hide my smile.

"It's okay. Is Luke in there?" He points to the room. I nod. "Uh huh."

"You might to move so I can go." I say, noticing that he's blocking me. He looks down embarrassed and steps aside. "Oh...sorry."

"Dani...can you come help us?" Liz calls out.

Calum and I just stare at each other for a bit. I clear my thoat, "mmm...I'm gonna go." He scratches his head. "Okay, see you soon."


"Yeah..." He repeats.

Sooo how's it goin guys?? Thank you for everything (: please vote vote vote

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