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It's like having this person inside you. On the outside, I play it it cool and act like everything's fine, but in the inside it's like I'm alone. No one truly understands me.

"I think that we should go see a movie." Karly looks over at me from the passenger side. I nod, turning my head back to road. "Whatever you want, Karls."

"I love you, you know that, right?" She runs we fingers through my hair. At the stop sign, I look at her and kiss her. A meaningful kiss.

"I love you, too." I say, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"You know, I feel like we always come back to each other. Like that's a sign that we were meant to say forever." She smiles and looks at me deeply.

Karly was like a dream come true. She was gorgeous, talented, smart, funny, basically every guys dream. But there was always something off, she was bad. She drank a lot, smoked a lot, and played a lot.

She had these moments, like this one, where she was a complete angel. Where I can see myself marrying her. But it's wild. She's wild. Every time we broke up, it was because of her, but I loved her too much to let her slip away from me. Therefor, we get back together.

"It's like a test, huh?" I chuckle softly.

After the movie, I drop her off at her house. She begged me to stay, and I really wanted to, but my mother said I had to come home for some dinner thing. Part of me was glad that I didn't stay. Like every teenage couple, if the boy stayed for even just a little bit, things would lead to sex.

Trust me, I loved sex, especially with Karly. Let's just say, she was bad. The type of that would get your heart beating within two seconds. That's what I liked about her. She was a bad girl, but the thing I hated, was that everyone knew that.

"Hey, mom." I walk in placing my keys on the table and hanging my coat.

My mom smiles at me and wipes her hand on her apron. "Funny thing happened, I was at the grocery store today and bumped into Liz. She wants us over for dinner if you weren't too busy with homework."

I look around at the mess my mother had created while making her famous pot pie. Laughing, I begin cleaning up, "No plans for tonight."

"Oh great," my mother gleams, "well don't just stand there, help your mom out." She hits my arm, leaving some flour on my sweatshirt.

"Okay, okay. Where's my apron?"

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