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Walking out of my house, I glance to my left seeing him walking over to his car. He gives me a small smile and waves. I shyly wave back and quickly look away, not wanting him see the small blush beginning to creep.

"Hey." He says, getting into his car.

"Hi." I say back.

Calum was the guy next door. The guy that would never in a million years go for me. I mean, he was nice for sure, really fucking nice, but I just never caught his eye.

He wasn't popular, or super rich, he was Calum. The perfect boyfriend, friend, and son. He was caring and sweet, and to be honest, he was a dream come true. Like one of those guys you only see in the movies.

You can say I had that typical school girl crush on him, but I mean, so did every girl in our grade. I remember when he dated Karley Reed. He treated her like a princess. Something I always wanted.

I did feel bad when they broke up though. It was the kind of feeling where I was somewhat relieved, but sad in a way. He deserved better than her, and I think he knew that, but because he loved her so much...it hurt him. He didn't show it, but I knew. I knew he was hurt.

He drove off seconds later. I hug my books tight and begin walking to my bus stop. It's funny how you can know a person for practically your whole life and not really know the person.

"Hey kid...get in." The doors open.

Ughhh I keep writing different books and quitting lol I'm so sorry.

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