Part 1: Meet the characters!

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Hello, hello everyone. This is a title page where I will describe all of the characters in as much detail as I can muster. Enjoy!


Eye color: right eye deepest blue, left eye blue green; raindrop shape

Favorite color: Red

Shirt: Red

Jacket: First was a light purple with a black zipper, but he traded it off after the death of his friend, Grillby. The new one is dark blue with grass green zipper.

Pants: Used to wear dark blue, comfortable fitting pants. After his brother died he took to wearing some of his bro's clothes. The new ones are a light tan/brown color flared at the legs. Light blue raindrop patterns line the cuffs.

Scarf: A dark purple with three light blue raindrops in a triangle pattern near the tattered end. (Also belonged to his brother)

Shoes: Black with red laces.

Personality: A people pleaser. He will usually try to do whatever he can to help because he believes it will make monsters like him.

Anomaly: He cannot die. He has tried to dust himself, but it just won't work. His skull has chips on the sides where he has tried to shoot himself.


Eye color: Right eye an orangy-red, left eye light purple

Favorite color: Yellow

Shirt: Vibrant blue

Jacket: Very fluffy, yellow

Pants: A light tan/brown color flared at the legs. Light blue raindrop patterns line the leg cuffs.

Scarf: A dark purple with three light blue raindrops in a triangle pattern near the tattered end.

Shoes: A light orange with white laces.

Personality: is always positive and loves mismatched clothes. Is very flamboyant and hates puns. Loves his brother extremely and is always gentle towards him.

King Asgore:

Eye color: Both eyes a dark blue

Favorite color: Black

Shirt: Deep royal purple

Cape: Red with gray fur lining.

Pants: Dark gray

Shoes: Dark blue, flat heeled.

Personality: A very kind and caring king. He was never tainted by the thought of capturing seven human SOULS because he had never seen a human. He often strolls around the town with Undyne


Eye color: Both a warm amber gold color

Favorite color: Silver

Shirt: Black short sleeve with pink flowers on it.

Armour: Silvery gold. Covers shoulders and chest. Knight-like helmet.

Pants: Light gold, tightly fitting

Shoes: Functional black with soccer cleat-like grips on the bottom.

Personality: Very fierce defender of the king. She would consider tackling anyone who so much as looked at him. She has an extreme soft spot for Alphys and would always spend the weekend with her.

W. D. Gaster

Eye color: A deep black, with a blue spiral if you look closely.

Favorite color: Green.

Shirt: A red and yellow striped sweater.

Pants: Dark blue with black rings

Scarf: Different shades of green stripes.

Shoes: Black with white laces.

Personality: A caring father for Sans and Papyrus. He loves gazing up at the hole in Mt. Ebbot and having his children there with him. He used to be the head scientist until he retired to spend more time with his children.


Eye color: Green

Favorite color: Light blue

Shirt: Often a soft white or light tan. Sometimes wears a blue shirt with white spirals.

Jacket: Dark gray with lots of fluffy white fur lining

Pants: Very light green jeans with a hole for her tail.

Scarf: Different sized stripes of Blue and black.

Shoes: Black flats, but sometimes for a date she will wear dark blue high heels.

Personality: Very bubbly. Always trying new ways to find a solution and has a lot of determination. She may stay awake for days on end to solve a question if need be.


Eye color: Purple

Favorite color: Pink

Armor: Pink with dark blue stripes, almost like racing stripes.

Scarf: Dark purple with pink stars.

Personality: Very flamboyant. Even more so than Papyrus. He takes his job of bringing entertainment to the Underground very seriously. He often flounces around town with his camera crew and hugs unsuspecting monsters.


Eye color: A very light green, almost white with sort of lopsided star pupils.

Favorite color: Rainbow

Shirt: Different shirt every day, but often with star or spiral patterns.

Pants: Loosely fitting, light blue.

Scarf: A rainbow spiral pattern bandanna around her neck

Personality: Very mother like. Sort of acted as a mother figure for Sans and Papyrus. All of the younger monsters in the Underground call her "Mother Tori". She misses Asriel, but knows that he lives on as Flowey.


Eye color: Dark brown, almost black.

Favorite color: White

Petal color: Yellow with blue raindrop shape on the end of each petal.

Personality: Very bubbly. He wasn't much saddened by his unexpected death, but instead immediately went to comfort his mother. He plays with Papyrus whenever he has time and often invites him over for cupcakes, Toriel's staple.


Eye color: Unkown.

Favorite color: Grass green

Jacket: Dark blue with grass green zipper

Pants: Light blue faded jeans.

Shoes: Black flats.

That's all I can think of for now my peeps. I might edit this page if I remember an important someone who wasn't described. Until then! Also, I'm entirely open to collaborations of drawing these characters as my computer isn't compatible with editing software.

Ps. I will not update this often, but I will try my best to get them out in a timely manner.

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