'Fuck my life'

-10 minutes later-

While trying to focus on the Professor, I could still feel a pair of eyes on me and honestly I was starting to get annoyed with the stupid staring.

"What exactly do you want?" I turn my head towards him snapping quietly .

He didn't say anything, he just smirked.

'Well shit , that's starting to get annoying too'

Noticing how he's still not talking, just staring with his elbow on the table and his head propped up on his hand , looking at me , with that ridiculous smirk. I grew annoyed.

"What?! " I said a louder this time.

"Nothing" He said "you're drawing attention to yourself " he chuckled softly and I looked around and noticed some people giving me weird looks.

I ignored the questionable stares and turned my head back towards the front and tried focusing on the lecture again. But very soon, I felt him nudge me on the shoulder.

I ignored him and took notes, I wasn't bothered again....for a few minutes .
Then I felt him nudge me

I whipped my head to the right and glared at him ,  he chuckled.

'I've never wanted to smack someone this much in my life'

"Relax Twinkletoes, I just need a pen and some  paper"
He looked at my notebook then at me again and smiled smugly

'God its barely been a day and I'm sick of him'

"Will you quit annoying me?"

He quietly nodded his head

I sighed and tore a blank page from my notebook , grabbed a pen. Then got up and move 3 seats away.

'Fuck there are 7 trillion nerves in the human body and  he's getting on all of them'

Jungkook POV.

I quietly nodded my head at the new girl.

I held back a laugh as she sighed ripping out a blank page from her notebook and grabbing one of her pens for me , with the most annoyed look on her face.

I took the pen and paper from her and watched as she got up and moved 3 seats away from me.


I stared at her with curiosity on my face. To say she intrigued me would be a severe understatement.

It was amusing how I could get under her skin so quickly. We've barely said 10 words to each other and I literally drove her away.

It would be sad if it wasn't so....funny





The Druggie on campus ~ Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now