Fuck her into oblivion.

Vivian was walking around talking to new people but as she was doing that she made sure that Valentino was looking at her. It was her job and she kind of liked showing herself off, matter of she was feeling herself. Confidence ran all through her body and that's what made her even more beautiful because she loved herself.

Valentino got out of his chair and walked over to Vivian.

"Are you enjoying yourself Vivian?" Valentino said making Vivian turn her head towards him.

"Yes I am." Vivian made eye contact with with him. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Mmhmm." Valentino said looking her up and down.

"Can I ask you a question Valentino?" She asked.

"Of course Vivian." She liked the way her name rolled off his tongue.

"Do you like what you see?" Valentino smirked a little.

"Only if you want me to like what I see." Valentino said.

"In that case you do."

Music started to play and people started to dance.

"Dance with me." Valentino said.

"I'm not really a dancer." Vivian said

"I wasn't asking come on." He had no expression on his face. He pulled and then he grabbed he waist and she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"I feel so stupid." Vivian giggled looking down at the floor.

"Don't you look beautiful." Valentino said.

"You know we just met today and you are already giving me compliments." Vivian smiled feeling honored.

"I am a respectful man." Valentino said.

"I just never thought that a dangerous mafia leader would be so nice." Vivian said.

"Me being dangerous is what you see on television but now that you've met me you can see what I am actually like." Valentino said.

Still dangerous.

"I guess I will have to see for myself." Vivian said. They were still dancing but they hadn't notice that everyone had stopped to watched them dance. Vivian looked around and saw everyone staring and started to get a little nervous.

"Everyone is watching us." Vivian whispered into Valentino's ear. That's when Valentino smiles and stops dancing.

"It was nice having this dance with you Vivian." They then go their separate ways and everybody continues to do what they were doing.

Vivian walks over to Jaxson. He smiles at her.

"You two would make a cute couple. Too bad he is going to die." Jaxson said. "Let's go it's getting late and we have to find another way to get you and Valentino to meet up again."

"Okay." Vivian said leaving the building.


The next day Jaxson was typing on his computer trying to hack into the De Rosa business system to see where Valentino had a meeting at today so Vivian can bump into him.

"Yes!" Jaxson said making it into the system. "Okay he apparently has a meeting at La Mario's Casino."

"What time does it start?" Vivian asked standing up from the bed.


"What time is it right now?" Vivian scrunched her face.


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