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"I'll hurt you."

~Valentino De Rosa


Vivian turned around and saw a not so happy Valentino. She had to make an excuse quick before he would think something was suspicious.

"Uhh I was thirsty and I wanted something to drink but I got lost." Vivian said.

"Come." All Valentino said. Vivian followed him as he led her to the kitchen.

When they made it to the kitchen Valentino got a glass and filled it up with water and gave it to Vivian. She drank all the water quickly and put the glass in the sink.

"Thank you." She said, Valentino just nodded his head then led her back to his room.

They both laid down and Valentino wrapped his arms around Vivian in a comforting way.

"You smell so good." Valentino said.

"Thank you, so do you." Vivian replied.

"Vivian." He said.


"You know if you are hiding something from me , I'll hurt you." Valentino then started to kiss Vivian neck.

Vivian couldn't move she was scared. That's when thoughts started running through her head.

Does he know?
She kept asking herself. Her anxiety was through the roof right now. She is so scared that she might not be able to go back to sleep.

"You understand me baby?" Valentino asked.

"Yea I do." She answered quickly.

"Good now go to sleep." Valentino said happily.

Vivian started to pray and she prayed hard that she would make it out alive. That calm her down a little. Then she tried to think of something else to distract her that seemed to work because she was fast asleep again.


Today Vivian woke up by herself and she spent the day by herself too. Valentino was no where to be seen and that made Vivian a little glad.
He left her very unsettled last night and she needed time to herself to meditate. So she decided to meditate in Valentino's room.

Jaxson taught her how to meditate because he saw how stressed Vivian could get. He used to call her a stress addict and which she was.

Breathe in
Breathe out
Think of your happy place.
That's what Vivian would do in order to keep her from freaking out.

But then there was a knock at the door.

"Damn it." She said to herself.

She walked over to the door and opened it to see a stylist.

"Hello ma'am, Mr.De Rosa is taking you out on a date and I am here to help you get ready." The stylist said with a smile on her face.

"Ok." Vivian said giving a warm smile back.

The stylist went into the room and started making Vivian try on dresses for the date.

Vivian chose a long black side cut out dress with silver high heels.
The stylist did her hair in a sleek top bun and her makeup.

When they were done, Vivian thanked the stylist and before the stylist was done she gave Vivian two jewelry gift boxes she said they were from Valentino.

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