53 ★ Endless song

Start from the beginning

The pup is an orphan. He went through a similar situation that Hendrix almost had to go through. She sympathizes with him. He's a pup, she's a pregnant girl, I'm sure the chemicals in her brain are haywiring around children, especially one that needs a mother.

I can't blame her, she sees the kid in that situation and feels awful. When I saw Keifer, I saw our own child being put through that same thing if I hadn't gotten to Hendrix in time.

"Will he be adopted?" She wonders out loud, and I glance at her with furrowed eyebrows. I hope this isn't going where I think it is.

"Yes. Eventually he will find a home, don't worry." I try to soothe her, but she keeps making that face. The wheels in her head are turning.

The question I knew was coming pops out of her mouth.

"We could take him, couldn't we?" Hendrix offers, and I hear the hesitation in her voice. I press my lips together firmly, exhaling a sigh through my nose before shaking my head once.

"No. I know you want to give him a home, and you already care for him, but you already have so much going on. Having one lycan pup is enough, are you really prepared to take on two?" I press, trying to be a realist. I don't want to dash her hopes.

Of course I would love to give a child in need a home, but I don't think that Hendrix realizes exactly what that means for her. It's hard work to have a newborn, let alone a toddler on top of that. I just don't know if Hendrix is ready for that yet, no matter how cute she thinks Keifer is.

"You're going to help me! Everyone in the pack will help too. He's a good kid. I won't be overwhelmed, I promise." She begs, and I cringe. You can't exactly promise to not get overwhelmed.

Hendrix is my everything, and I want to give her whatever she wants. I can't, however, just adopt a child she met for a few minutes.

"Cherry, we have the money and the recourses to raise another child, one who needs a home, who needs loving parents. If we can provide that for him, then why can't we?" She pushes, and I nod my head in agreement, but I still have points to make.

As great as her proposal sounds, you can't decide you want to adopt a child after a few minutes of discussion.

"I told you how strong lycan children are. I thought you would want time to raise the baby before it becomes stronger than you and you need constant help. It will be a stressful struggle. Do you want that? I want you to be sure."

Hendrix bites her lip, looking away while she thinks. I give her the time she needs while she mulls it over. She touches my arm, staring up at me. I didn't expect her to figure it out so quickly, but she already has an answer.

"Yes. I want him, he needs us." She whispers.

I'm a little surprised, but then it starts to make sense. My mate is the most selfless person I've ever met. It doesn't matter how hard it is to take in a child that's not hers, she would do it in a heart beat.

I run my hand over her hair, amazed at how soft it is. Everything about her glows while she carries our pup.

"Alright. I'll consider it. There's a lot of background checks and paperwork to go through, and I'm not even sure if they would allow us to adopt Keifer, but I'll see what I can do." I promise, and the brightest smile crosses her face. She lunges, the quickest motion I've seen her make since I got her pregnant.

Hendrix throws her arms around me, squeezing tight as she rubs her nose against my neck in affection. Sparks erupt, and everything in me feels fuzzy. The mate bond is all encompassing, amazing, but it doesn't even come close to the love I have for her.

I didn't choose Hendrix as my mate, but I let myself fall in love for her, I chose to be with her. Our relationship, our love is the most important thing, and I plan to cherish it like it's made of glass.

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     If you're reading this, you're a beautiful person:)

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     If you're reading this, you're a beautiful person:)

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual. Next update will hopefully be up by Wednesday, but I'm going to be very busy this week. I will try my best!

See you soon. Don't forget to comment your predictions and opinions!

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