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"You're mean Yoongi." Namjoon mutters, watching the young mermaid sniffle as he's being examined by Jin.

"He broke my phone. Human stuff is expensive."

"But screaming at him until he's in tears is too much." The mermaid adds making the elder groan. "He needs to learn from his mistakes."

"You know what he is right? You can't just speak to him however you like." Namjoon says with a frown.

"Well I did, it's good for him. He'll learn this way."

The merman shakes his head a little. "Asshole."

"Tsk watch your mouth before I tell Jimin exactly what to do with you."

Namjoon immediately shuts up and just takes off. Meanwhile Yoongi is using Jin's laptop to look for a new phone. Cringing at the prices. he barely has any money considering he isn't even supposed to exist.

"Yoongi, where's Namjoon?" The wizard asks only for the cecealia to make a vague hand gesture into the direction the mermen went. Not really paying attention to what's happening.

Only to perk up a little when he hears Jin tell the young mermaid to get undressed. Curious to see what Jin is planning on.

He knows Jin would never take advantage of the boy, the man is too madly in love with that dumb fairy to ever do anything with another man.

"You know about basic human things right?" Jin asks. Jungkook nods, still a pout on his lips as he listen to the wizard. It's kinda cute, he's quite tall and even as mermaid he's large. Yet his behaviour makes him look smaller than he is. No doubt the boy has been keept from anything that could be considered remotely bad.

"Turn around." Jin demands, busily writing. jungkook turns as told but he doesn't seem to happy to do so.

"Go take a seat." Jin mutters, but being kind enough to hand him a blanket first. Much to the mermaids delight.

"Now let me do my thing." The wizard says only confusing the mermaid more. Jungkook's bottom lip wobbles sadly, confused by the situation and not really liking the continuous touching of his body anymore.

Yoongi notices. He really doesn't want to get involved with the younger's feelings but he just looks so sad seated there as Jin is doing his thing. Usually he'd ignore it but it's just something about the merman that tugs on his heart. He almost feels bad for the kid.

maybe he shouldn't have yelled at him, that loudly and that long.

So he sighs, shutting the laptop and walking over to where Jungkook is seated with teary eyes. Pushing Jin away he gathers the boy in his arms. Nearly collapsing under the weight but holding on tightly.

"It's been enough for today." He says coldly. Not a trace of emotion on his face as he walks off. Jin doesn't protest and just starts clearing the space.

After about ten steps Yoongi puts the boy down. Trying to hide how out of breath he is. "C'mon, we'll get you dressed and I'll go show you something fun."

Jungkook pulls the half-octopus into a hug.

"Thank you Yoongi."

And hesitantly, Yoongi hugs back. But when he does he presses the boy tight against his body and shuts his eyes.

He thinks he likes Jungkook's temperature most too.

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