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The two nearly get a heart attack when Seokjin reappears next to them. A black eyes and a busted lip.

"Tae didn't want to see me." He sighs, before writing down something in his notebook. "Of course he doesn't."

Yoongi snickers. "He's still mad?"

"That boy thrives on being mad at me. I've never seen him happier or hornier than when mad at me." The wizard groans before grabbing the mermaid boy by the shoulders. "Did I lie? Yes! But it's been a fucking week!"


"At this point fuck him! How about you and—"

Yoongi pushes the wizard away from Jungkook. "Let's not get Tae more mad." The cecaelia says coldly, standing like a barrier between the two.

Jin silently observes the situation before rolling his eyes. "You guys are no fun, I'm going to find Jimin."

"Everyone seems to be mad." Jungkook points out. "A-all of you. Mr dragon, Yoongi, Mr wizard and Mr—"

"They have names."

"Why is everyone mad?"

"Because all of us have a shitty life. Hell even you have a shitty life, why else would you step down as prince." The elder says, looking at the younger boy. "You don't even know how shitty your life will become."

"Why will my life become poo?"

The cecaelia just shakes his head, something stirring up inside him as he looks into the bright and hopeful eyes.

"Jungkook." He breathes, softly reaching out for the kid. Then he shakes his head, he can't start going soft for the merman now. "Don't be dumb kid."

With that he starts walking again, shoving his hands into his pockets. The cheery boy following behind.

Biting his lip he tries to push away the memories of his youth, the horrible events that went down in his village, the promises made by his kingdom and the betrayal.

Mermaid's are awful species but he can't blame the boy, he doubts the kid knows about his people's pasts. He doubts the kid knows how special he is and what life has in store for him.

Just like him, the eighteen year old boy will be crushed by the mer-people. Just like Namjoon was, like Namjoon's mother was, like his family was, like he was. He can feel tears rising in his eyes but quickly wipes them away.

The walk past a small stream and he halts as he notices Jungkook standing still, staring at the water.

"You have scars." The mermaid says, staring at the water. "Why?"

Yoongi frowns. "You saw the rocks I live between. Scratch—"


"You're really an odd kid." He mutters.

Jungkook smiles. "Comes with never having social interaction. I know quite a lot of things, I know what butterflies are, I knew what fire was when I touched it, I know about the human's past, about the dragon wars, the fairy disasters, the faun songs, I know that people are not telling me things— but—" he looks at Yoongi. "Never before had I heard about an cecaelia."

He tilts his head a little.

"I wonder why."

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