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The cecaelia sighs, bubbles of air rising off his lips. "What are you doing here kid?"

"I-I'm eighteen now."

"I know, the prince's birthday doesn't go unnoticed."

"Look what my Joonie got me." The mermaid says, trying to move closer to the grumpy man only to have a tentacle wrap around his waist and push him back.

"Your Joonie? Oh wait I don't care."

The mermaid opens his necklace and immediately the ocaelia's head snaps up. Eyes wide as he stares at the excited merman.

"It's a perfect replica of the ocean's eye."

The cecaelia is silent for a second before tilting his head, softly allowing his tentacles to wrap around the boy and pull him closer.

"Mh, your Joonie is Kim Namjoon that idiot, isn't he?"

"He's really smart! And very strict but he always brings me food!"

"I bet he does, mind giving me that replica?"

"Yes I mind! It's mine. I'll keep it close forever!" He says, pressing the thing to his chest in a protective manner.

"I bet, you don't know what's going on, do you?" The cecaelia asks, a black tentacle softly raising the boy's chin.


"That's what I thought." The elder sighs. "I'm Yoongi but I'd rather you not mention my existence to anyone."

"D-does this mean y-you'll be my friend?!"

"No, definitely not, but if you ever need someone to take care of that necklace of yours. I'll be here."

With that he's pushed out of the cave. But besides being rejected once again he can't help but grin. The pretty man told him his name, that's one step closer to becoming friends.

Once again Jungkook is found in the library, trying to find anything on cacaelia's but again nothing is found. Instead he's met with more books about the grandiose past of the mer-people.

"What are you looking for prince?" Namjoon asks, starling the scales off his body.

"Oh! Didn't see you there Joonie." The mermaid says quickly snatching a book of the shelves. "I was just looking for this book!"

A grin appears on the larger's face softly, wrapping his tail around the younger. "Is my prince growing up? Fish and eggs? Do you have a secret partner you've hidden from me?"

The smaller flushes. "N-n-no but y-you've never uhm—"

"Ahw you look like so red! C'mon I'm just teasing, it's only healthy to be curious about such things." Namjoon says. "Your parents forbade sex-ed but you have to learn somehow."

"O-oh yes okay." He stutters nervously.

"Now go." The elder says releasing be boy. Who immediately swims off and to his room, slamming the door shut and throwing the book against the wall.

"Oh my Poseidon! Can I be any more stupid?!"

GODLIKE - YoonKookWhere stories live. Discover now