08 | i can't believe

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BEOMGYU COVERED TAEHYUN'S BODY WITH A BLANKET, a shaky breath escaping his lips as he stared at his trembling hands. He didn't understand why. How he so easily killed his own friend with his bare hands. But did Taehyun even think of him as a friend anymore?

"I'm so sorry, Taehyun..."

He made a reckless decision. Even that was an understatement. He spiraled out of control and didn't think about the consequences. He let his emotions take over and it consumed him whole in a matter of seconds.

And now Taehyun laid there unmoving.

Because of him.

Beomgyu slowly backed away from the bed, falling down on the floor with a thud as he rested his back on the wall. The promises they all made were broken, starting with Taehyun and his. The future of bighit's new boy group was gone. Thrown into darkness.

The worst thing to happen. Killing his own friend.

"What have I done..."

A thud sounded and he looked down to see his phone on the ground. He closed his eyes, debating on whether or not he should call the police. An ambulance perhaps. They could still save him. He exhaled a shaky breath as he grabbed his phone and opened his contacts.

"No...I can't." Beomgyu dropped the phone, a small sob coming out of his mouth.

"How do I tell them? I killed someone. I'm going to jail." He spoke to himself, holding his head in guilt and frustration.

It felt like something was eating away at his heart. The pain, the guilt, it was all there bundled up inside. He couldn't even look at Taehyun because he feared he would call emergency if he did so.

And it would put him and the others in a whole lot of trouble.

There was a sound coming from where Taehyun laid. The sound of a notification. Beomgyu walked over cautiously and gulped as he slowly peeled open the blankets to grab something in Taehyun's pocket.

It was Taehyun's phone.

He received a message and as Beomgyu looked at the screen, he felt his heart break even more.

best mom in the world:
I miss u taehyun-ah~ visit us sometime when you're free. I'll prepare your favorite dish. love you.

Beomgyu felt tears drip down his cheeks as he dropped Taehyun's phone on the bed. He couldn't bear it anymore. Sadness turned into jealousy and to something darker as he remembered the fight he had with his mother before he went to Seoul and darkness loomed above his head, the demons awakening inside of him.

He picked up Taehyun's phone once again and stared at it for a good few seconds.

Then he threw it across the room.

The sound of it cracking made him smile as his manic laughter filled the room. He turned around and picked up his phone as well, hurling it across the room, the satisfying crunch of the broken phone filling his ears.

Beomgyu laughed once again.

"Might as well just waste my life then," he whispered.

He walked over to the two broken phones on the floor and repeatedly stepped on them, smashing them even more. Beomgyu's face turned emotionless as he walked towards the door, holding the doorknob and twisting it open.

Hueningkai entered his sight with his arms crossed, a cold look on his face.

"Oh, Huening—"

"What did you do?"

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