Not again. Xavi x small!reader

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You ducked down under the cannons and ran through the halls of the funhouse. The clown gremlins were chasing after you, clawing at your legs. You dived into the ballpit and crashed against something. You touched to object you hit. ''Hey what was that for!?'' A voice sounded.

''W-what?'' A figure rose from the ballpit in front of you. It looked different from the other gremlins. He was taller and had messy hair. The figure turned around to face you. ''Oh... another human.. great.'' He said sarcastically while looking you up and down. He sighed. ''Why are you staring at me like that? Never seen a clown before?'' You shook your head. ''N-no you just look different.''

He rolled his eyes. ''They all say that... i am a. Failed expiriment so to speak.'' He sounded upset. ''Oh.. i see.'' You two stayed silent for a bit before he spoke again. ''What is your name?'' ''(Y/N)'' You got sort of uncomfortable due to his constant staring. ''(Y/N), nice name i guess.'' He said. ''Well.. what is your name?'' You asked him. ''Xavi, my name is Xavi.'' He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. ''How old are you? You look like a child.'' 

''I'm no child! What makes you think that?'' He rose an eyebrow. ''Mostly the height, are you certain.'' You shot him a glare. ''Yes i am certain.'' He quickly averted his eyes and stared to the ground. ''Alright alright, sheesh calm down!'' Xavi looked around and then back to you. ''We should probably leave before the others find you... climb on my back.'' ''What?-'' ''Did i stutter?'' He sat down in front of you with his back turned to you. ''Come on.'' You sighed and did as he told you to.

Xavi carried you around the funhouse. Occasionally some clown gremlins would try to claw and bite you only to be kicked away by Xavi. ''I swear those tiny pests bother me to no end.'' He growled. ''Now that i think about it... you're a clown, right?'' You asked him. ''Yes i am, why do you ask?'' ''Well you don't really act like one. I mean aren't clowns supposed to be all happy and make people laugh?'' Xavi chuckled. ''You're one without a filter huh? Well like i said, i was a mistake. I am not like the other clowns.'' He shook his head. ''Theres really not much to it.''

He walked into a secret room within the funhouse. The room was full with pillows and books. ''Wow, nice space you got here.'' You commented. You walked around the room for a bit before sitting down on one of the pillows. ''So, why are you helping me?'' Xavi sat down next to you. ''Well, i get kind of lonely. The other clowns don't accept me. I am kinda the ugly duckling yanno.'' You nodded. ''I mean you'll stay here, right?'' You stared at him with your eyes wide open.

He carefully grabbed one of your hands. ''Please... i don't want to be alone again.'' Xavi gave you a pleading look. You considered your options. Either go back to Bierce or stay here, truth be told you didn't trust Bierce. So you sighed and nodded. For the first time you saw his eyes lit up. He hugged you and smiled. ''Thanks! Hey we could go paint on the walls? Yes? Let's go!'' He pulled you up and ran outside.

You smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

(A/n) Sorry for not posting for a while, i could not figure out a good idea for this.)

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