~Revenite~ New watchers x reader

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(Sudden boost in quality compared to the previous oneshots GO.)

You bolted through the mansion, dodging axes left and right. The shards were spread all over the place, forcing you to backtrack quite often. No matter how many portals you defeated, it never got any easier. You swore that every time you were not paying attention, there were more of them. In front of you stood a statue dressed in blue and gold. His smile was less malicious, more a look of pity. You dashed past him, avoiding his attempt to grab your arm when you weren't looking.

You slid behind one of the fake statues, a desperate attempt to catch your breath. Unfortunately, you were forced to hold your strained breath once more as you heard heavy footsteps approach. Peeking, you witnessed a white gold statue and a silver statue passing by. To your surprise, you heard the pair speak.

"I do not understand what you meant, Cornelius, the peasant is not here." the voice had a light French accent. It sounded calm, yet taunting. "Do not speak to me in such manners, Basil. I am quite certain i heard it here." The other voice sounded more collected, an angry hushed tone. You remained silent, hoping neither you or the tablet would make any noise, damning you to die. Cornelius, as he was seemingly called, scanned the area. You hid further behind. Bierce didn't warn you these things could think on their own. Part of you assumed them to be just as mindless as the monkeys of the first portal. Looking back on it, they did seem like a sort of hive mind at first.

"I remain unphased, with such untalented filth as our leader." Cornelius scoffed to himself. The fear inside you build up.

And you hiccuped.

Immediately a pair of hands grabbed you by the clothes, dragging you out of your hiding spot. You looked up to see who you assumed was Basil, a wicked smirk on his face. "Not very clever, chérie," he taunted, leaning down to your level. His fellow statue remained silent for a second, seemingly processing what happened. You intently stared at the statue, attempting to freeze him under your gaze much more. But now, it didn't work anymore. "Well, how convenient," sounded Cornelius' hushed tone. "I say we end this peasant here, no?" The silver statue raised his axe, aiming at your throat.

Another statue knocked him off balance, seizing your wrist. A gold statue dressed in blue and gold. "Asher!" Cornelius shouted as you were pulled from him. The statue had mess y gold hair. He wore no hat and had puffed out sleeves, Both of which were beautifully decorated with gold patterns. "Good evening gentlemen, unfortunately, i have my own plans, salutations~" Asher let out a cackle as he  lifted you over his shoulder, bolting into a hall. you could hear the angered yells of the other two as they were quick to give chase.

Part of you wanted to break free, but you knew that doing so would lead to your capture by Basil and Cornelius. Despite his shorter form and immense golden weight, he was incredibly quick on his feet. You felt dizzy as he turned corners and shut doors behind him.

The statue came to a sudden halt. Your head was still spinning from the turbulation along with being upside down.

"Asher." The voice of a more tired man called out. "Put the peasant down." Asher scoffed. "Why the long face Winifred? The peasant is not departing anytime soon." A deep sigh came from the statue you could not see. "I do believe Malak was quite clear about this. I would hope you knew better than Bertrum. Especially given your.. expertise."

You were put down on the ground in front of Asher, as you turned to look at the other statue. He too was dressed in gold and blue. Yet even taller. His hair was short and he looked rather tired. "And you," he spoke as he stared you down. "I do believe this is the end of you. Do not take it personally. This is no place for peasants is all." The look he gave you was almost pitiful as he wielded his own axe.

Not wanting to give up, you made a poor attempt to dash past Asher, whose heavy hand gripped your shoulder. A yelp escaped your lips as the two statues stared each other down. "Why must you insist on being so difficult?" Winifred spoke, his tone full of authority. "The monotonous days have left me with none to do."

"Come now, there is no need to argue."

The calm voice of the statue you saw at the start broke the tension. "Frederick, say something to Winifred if you would." Next to Frederick stood a statue in gold and brown.

"Certainly Betrum. Asher, please hand me the mortal. There may be another way."

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