Collin yandere alphabet

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Affirm: He does not need it. He'd love it if you did so, but it really isn't needed.

Blood: He doesn't like it. Collin prefers not harming you as it will only cause you to hate him even more. He prefers inflicting mental damage.

Care- If he does he does not show it.

Dungeon- He prefers not to. He is a master of manipulation and usually resorts to using that to keep you wrapped around his finger.

Emotions - He does not show it.

Fight- He has you punished by his brothers.

General - He treats you well.

Hubris- Yes, yes he is. At least that is what he shows you.

Intimate - He only gives affection as reward.

Jealousy- Surprisingly quick. Expect a stern talking to whenever you are too close to someone. He does not like jealousy.

Killing- No, he'll just lock you up.

Love- Tell him your fears or insecurities, so he can use them against you later.

Make a choice,(how do they react when you apologize for hurting them): He would be stern, but forgive you.

Normal: He acts normal, it is hard to tell whenever he lies

Omniscient - How would they react to you trying to escape

Purpose - Usually something to study.

Question - He does, purely to break you.

Rare - Smiling.

share- would they share you?

Type: He is the cold and calculating type.

unkown - No, it is always vague

Vision - No, he has too little romantic experience.

Wild - He would. Purely to controll you more.

Xenophobe - Very, always be accompanied by his siblings

You - Barely, he is always watching.

Zealous - If he gets bored of you.

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