Valentines day special ~ Prideful cast x reader

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(posted late as i was busy on Valentines day lol)

You had forgotten how long you had actually been here. The statues seemed malicious and angry at first. Though slowly they warmed up to you. When you stepped out of your room you were immediately greeted by Maximilian, greeting you with his usual smile. "Ah the creature of beauty and grace has awoken once more, to bless us with their undying smile." You could not help but snicker at his statement. "Good day.. err night to you to. Dapper gentleman." He smiled at your reply. "How are you doing today, fine lady?" Despite this behavior being typical, he acted slightly different. "Is everything alright?" you dared to ask the being. "Me? Oh nothing, can i not  greet my favorite human, hm?" Something was off, but you could not quite place your finger on it. "Where are the others?" 

"I am unsure, i suggest searching the common room or the kitchen."

"Ah i see, thank you."

You gave the dramatic statue a gentle nod as you walked down the hallway. Overtime you had gotten more and more used to the odd place. The interior of this place did absolutely not make sense. After some slight wandering you found your way to the kitchen. At the table sat Collin and Richard. They appeared to be playing some sort of card game. You snuck up behind Richard, taking a peek at his cards causing him to huff and press them up against his chest. "How very mature of you," the statue stated with his usual sophisticated voice. Despite his arrogant behavior and Philophobia  you had managed to somewhat bond with the statue. Same went for Collin and his ice cold demeanor. He seemed slightly more open with you as he gave you a small nod. "Good to see you, i assume you have just woken up," he mentioned as he placed his cards aside to look at you. "Ah, how did you know?"

"You have a serious case of bed hair." Richard snickered at his own observation. "You would pass for the human counterpart of William." You couldn't help but giggle along with the white dressed entity. Collin was even more silent than usual. Richard picked up on the look his fellow statue gave him and fell silent as well. "Ahem, have you spoken to Bernard yet, y/n?" Collin tried to get your attention. You shook your head. "Well then i suppose you should meet him in the maze, and if you see William on the way there, send him over here please." Nodding once again, you opened your mouth to say something, yet you were interrupted by the voice of the exhausted leader himself.

 "That won't be necessary, i am present already." The statue placed his cold, heavy hands on your shoulders, giving you a smile. "Bernard is waiting, go on." You couldn't lie their behavior was odd. "Wait.. what is going on?" you asked the three. Richard looked down at his cards whilst Collin looked you dead in the eyes. "You will see, please do listen to us." Knowing that arguing with these beings had no point, you simply complied. "Alright then, i'll.. i'll see you later." William removed his hands from your shoulders, his fingers twirling a few strands of your hair before he let go. You slowly walked out of the room, hearing Collin and William whisper to each other, though you couldn't make out what. You had no choice but to follow their instructions.

The moonlight faintly shone through the maze as you navigated your way through. You pushed open the pair set of gates, walking past the fountains. You couldn't miss the tall statue standing there, his eyes fixated onto an item. You slowly placed your hand on his back, as you couldn't reach up much further. Bernard turned his head to you, smiling. "Ah, you're here." He turned to fully face you. "I know this must be confusing for you, no?" You couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, it's been puzzling, can i finally know what the lot of you are scheming?" Bernard looked back at the item in his hand. "It's valentines day back in the human realm, isn't it?" His statement caught you off guard. "Well yes.. why do you ask?"  Bernard's empty, yet soft gaze met yours. "One of us has.. taken an interest in you. And wanted to ask you to be theirs." His statement left you speechless as he continued. "He figured this would be the best moment." He gently placed the item within your hands as you looked down.

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