"Becca I'm here too!" Taehyung cried, jumping onto Jin and shoving his face into the phone. "See?!" He showed off his boxy smile just as Jungkook jumped on top of him, Jin still trapped on the bottom.

"Hi Becca~" Jungkook winked, moving his eyebrows as well. "You-"

"Are you wearing a Jimin sweatshirt?" Taehyung angled the phone down at his face, Jin somehow still holding it up to show all four of them. "Bex-"

"Rebecca." Yoongi narrowed his eyes, shoving Taehyung down further. "I thou-"

"But you're m-" Jungkook strained his neck to fit in the frame, but fell to the floor with Taehyung once Jin shoved them off.

"Okay, back to baking!"


"I know you have a story behind every ring." Hoseok grinned, sipping his smoothie, not noticing Becca yawn in the camera.

"Every ring?" Rebecca held out her chain, the necklace holding several rings.

"Every ring." Hoseok nodded, now focussing on her fully.

"Well the bee ring," Rebecca held up the gold ring. "My friend Cerys and I have the same one. She sent it to me one day," She looked down at the ring, tapping the bee lightly. "Saying 'I'll always BEE there for you.'" Hoseok and Rebecca both smiled at the pun. "So we just had to buy it together." Hoseok nodded along to each story, loving the one she has with Rachel.

"You guys bought a snake ring to tell people to back off?"

"Yes." Rebecca laughed, tracing her finger across the silver metal. "It sounds dumb now, but I love each and every story they tell." A glint caught her eye. "Oh! Sophie! Sophieeeee." Rebecca looked up at Hoseok. "You're her bias."

"Really?" Hoseok perked up, his eyes wide, heart smile on his lips.

"Really." Rebecca held up her hand, showing the bracelet, the one beside Namjoon's. "We got a bracelet together despite everyone else getting rings. We're cool that way." Rebecca smiled to herself, her mood going up even more as she thought of her friends. "You have no idea how hard it is to not tell them I'm talking with you all."

"I have a plan." Hoseok grinned, tapping his fingers together evilly. "It involves a book."

"Oh boy."

- Several Minutes Later -

"Ahh!" Rebecca laughed, using her old phone to text Rachel, her friend. "You won't believe what she said!"

Hoseok's plan was smart, Rebecca couldn't deny that. She had to tell her friends that she was writing a book where the girl in the book was texting BTS and she needed to know an accurate reaction from her friend. And of course, Rachel complied, always willing to help Rebecca with book ideas.

"She said, 'What do'- actually she said she'd freak out for a bit, the classic keyboard smash and all. But she said she'd ask what they talk about, how often do you talk, stuff like that." Rebecca typed something quick to respond as Hoseok laughed. "Oh this is such a Rachel thing to say. She said 'do they know that I'll kick their ass if they hurt you?'" Rebecca shook her head with a smile, Hoseok's laughter increasing, Namjoon walking in, confused.

"What's going on?" He smiled and waved at Rebecca before sitting next to Hoseok, taking a chip from his bag.

"We're getting one of Becca's friend's reaction for if she was texting us." Hoseok waved his hand. "She threatened to kick our asses if we hurt Bex."

"I don't know why she's so protective-oh boy." Rebecca covered her mouth as she laughed. "I can't stand her." She lowered her hand, a wide smile on her face. "'I don't care if they are major public figures and live on the other side of the earth from me. I will fly to them and beat them up if they hurt you even slightly.'"

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