🌹Coronation & H.E.A?🌹

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Y/n sat in her room at her parents castle while Mrs. Potts and Madame dressed her up into her coronation gown, Plumette did her hair in an elegant half bun decorated in golden roses with the ends of her hair cascading down her back in ringlets as Y/n looked at herself in her mirror and gently clasped her necklace around her neck.

Mrs.Potts: "You look so beautiful, Princess." She said while Madame and Plumette left her bedroom to hail the carriage. She gently lifted Y/n's head up seeing her sad eyes. "You'll be alright, dearie. Beauty or Beast remember all that matters is what's in your heart." She said honestly smiling sweetly as Y/n hugged her tightly.

Y/n: "Thank you, Mrs. Potts for everything. I should go meet Ben at the carriage so we can get Mal and Jay. I'll see you all after the coronation." She said while picking up her dresses skirt and walked out of her bedroom and to the carriage outside beside Ben as they left to pick up Mal and Jay from school.

Snow White: "At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin and Princess Y/n will soon be crowned King and Queen

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Snow White: "At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin and Princess Y/n will soon be crowned King and Queen. I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all!" She said while inside of the cathedral surrounded by stain glass mosaics of the old generations royals and heroes/heroines shined down onto their children within. "Oh. Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair? And there is Fairy Godmother's wand! Oh, and here comes Ben and Y/n now!"

Ben and Y/n along with Mal and Jay waved to the crowd smiling as Mal held a deep blue box for Ben, Jay held a gold colored pastry box for Y/n yet both looked nervous. Ben took hold of Mal's hand as Y/n took Jay's hand gently with a smile on her face.

Y/n: "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look handsome. No problem there." She said while Jay picked up her hand to kiss her knuckles lightly

Jay: "You look beautiful and thank you, Wild Rose." He said making Y/n blush slightly.

Y/n: She carefully unclipped her necklace from her neck and held it up towards Jay. "Jay, would you wear my necklace?" She asked while Jay looked nervous before handed her the pastry box. She set her necklace onto her lap while taking the box carefully as she opened it up to see a tiny cream puff with a raspberry on top. "Mal thought of this huh? It's so cute but down the hatch." She said while she ate her cream puff, Ben ate the brownie cupcake given to him by Mal.

Mal and Jay: "No, Do you both feel okay? Would either of you say that you're still in... That... That you both have strong feelings for either of us?" They asked nervously as Ben and Y/n set the now empty boxes aside.

Ben and Y/n: "We're not sure. We mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect." They said together as Mal realizes what they were saying while the twins laughed softly. "We knew that you spelled us, Mal." Mal began to explain herself as Y/n looked over at Jay to let Ben talk to Mal.

Disney Descendants Trilogy x Princess Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now