Poco x Frank • morning cuddles

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It was close to 5:30 in the morning, the musician still sleeping. Frank was watching him sleep peacefully, stroking his head as gently as he could with his right hand. He grumbled happily, watching him lie down on his giant hand like a pillow.

Poco cuddled closer to Frank, shivering slightly from the cool air of the morning. Even if they were both quite cold due to their undead state, they cuddled together to try and be a little bit more warm. Frank pulled in Poco for a gentle embrace, his eyes starting to grow sleepy again.

It was too early for the both of them.

Frank heard Mortis yell and bang the door from outside, but he could not have cared less as he drifted back to sleep, his musical skeleton lover still in his embrace. He could deal with Mortis later, because right now he just wanted to be with his lover.

"Rrr..." Frank gently grumbled, Poco still asleep. As Frank fell asleep, he loosened his grip on Poco and he succumbed to his sleep.

Poco opened his groggy eyes, before he mumbled to Frank and fell back asleep.

"Good night."
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This was a request by a mutual of mine!

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