Chapter 30

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Graduation day.

A day many refer to as freedom. A rite of passage. Some dreaded it and Nami found herself buckled in that boat. Ironing her uniform for the last time the night before brought back so many memories. She was honestly going to miss the place but now it was the start of a new life.

Nami was given the responsibility to write a speech for the entire graduation class and body of teachers thanking them for the fond time and guidance these past three years. She had asked Ms. Boa for help and what a speech it turned out to be. She practiced all night and the amount of praise she received after was unexpected. Nami wanted to make them proud.

Though bittersweet, it was a day of triumph and the door of endless possibilities was wide open for anyone that wanted to take a leap of faith.

When Mr. Shanks dismissed the class for the final time, everyone smiled and shed a few seeing the old man tearing up. There were going to miss his corny jokes and optimism. A favourite among many.

Gathering her year book and certificate, Nami smiled and hugged and waved goodbye to her classmates. Going over to Zoro's desk, she gave it a usual kick and Nami grinned wide as Zoro reluctantly cracked an eye open to glare at her.

"Let's go."

At the end of the corridor they were met by Luffy, Sanji, Chopper and Usopp. The second years didn't have school that day but they weren't going to miss seeing their friends graduate.

Everyone was all smiles and they went straight to their favourite eating spot to reminisce. It was the last time they were going to be together like this.

In the midst of the laughter, bickering and extravagant stories, Nami reached for Luffy's hand and excused herself from the table. She needed to talk to Luffy- alone. Afterwards they were going to go for some drinks and the guys at the Baratie were throwing them a banquet. So before things got crazy, Nami had to use whatever opportunity she had and now was perfect.

Her place of choice was behind the cafeteria building but Luffy had a better idea and lead them to the late Principal Whitebeard's garden. It was being restored thanks to Usopp who formed a garden club after gaining a random fascination of plants. With careful research and knowing where to obtain the best seeds, they planted vegetables, herbs and flowers and Nami could not believe that this was the same dilapidated garden she once knew. She didn't get a chance to see the process of it being fixed up. The life of a third year high school student was a whole lot different compared to the first two years. Nami hardly had time for anything.

"You guys did a number on this place. It looks great."

'Shishishishi' "Thanks."

"I never saw you as the gardening type, Luffy."

"I didn't either but Usopp wanted my help and it turned out better than I thought it would."

Now they were fourteen members strong and it was Usopp and Luffy's pride.

"Today's the day , huh?"


Together they sat on the only available bench. Usopp built it himself.

"I almost forgot," said Luffy. Out of his jacket pocket he retrieved an envelope and gave it to Nami.

"What is it?"

"Open it."

Nami did just that and gasped at the candid photograph. It was everyone on the beach trip, smiling bright as the sun that day and Nami was not prepared for the sudden wave of emotion that overcame her.

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