Chapter 21

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What would you do?





A few months ago...

Nami waited until Luffy and Ms. Robin left to emerge from her room to collect her uniform from the laundry. Deciding to go to school the following day was now on her agenda. She sweat dropped when her mum called her name from the living room couch. Nami honestly forgot about her.

Bellemere patted the spot next to her and so began their long-awaited mother-daughter talk.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

Bellemere narrowed her eyes.

"That was Luffy, wasn't it? The Luffy that you couldn't stop talking about since the day you guys met? The same Luffy you cried days for after his sudden departure?"

Nami blushed. "That was a long time ago."

"So it's him?"

"Yeah..." Her voice was small. "I didn't tell you because he forgot about me."

"Luffy forgot about you? He wouldn't!"

"Well he did."

Nami was serious and Bellemere was rendered silent. Though he has only spoken to her once that day Dragon introduced him, Luffy didn't remember her either which came as a surprise since he didn't seem the type to forget a face. Maybe something happened.

"Why did he come here?"

"It's a long story. I mean- a lot of things happened. We got into a fight and well... we're dating now."

Bellemere moved the hand from under her chin and sat up straight.

"When was this decided?"



Bellemere couldn't believe it. She always thought that they would make a cute couple but this was all so sudden.

"You said that he doesn't remember you."

"But I do. I remember Luffy and all our time together. He is still special to me."

"People change, Nami."

That Nami wouldn't deny but her intuition has never lead her wrong. This was more or less the dumbest decision she has made in her entire life. They could've just remained friends as he said but-

"You like him."

Nami's face was a rare shade of red and she couldn't look her mum in the eyes anymore.

"Is Luffy the reason why you've been staying home these past few days? You said that the two of you got into a fight?"

Nami nodded frankly embarrassed. She acted like a child.

"I never thought you would be the type to be interested in boyfriends, Nami- with all the studying you've been doing. At least not now.

Having a boyfriend like the other girls isn't always as great as they make it out to be."

Nami was indeed getting older so maybe she thought that there was a need for those sort of things.

"I didn't want a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend. I just want to be with Luffy... because he's Luffy."

"Because he's Luffy, huh?"

Bellemere took a sip of water and placed it back on the coffee table before taking a deep breath.

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