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Jisung's perspective

It's been 2 years since the night of the concert and I have moved in with Minho. I got a job with him at the coffee shop and now we share an apartment. Everything is just so perfect, I am so in love. Minho is just everything I ever wanted and more, I have no idea how I ended up with a man like him, but I did and it's amazing.

Anyways, today is the day of Seungmin and Hyunjin's wedding! It's been 2 years since they got engaged but they wanted everything to be  absolutely perfect for their special day. I was so proud of them, I know how in love they are and it's amazing. I don't remember how they got together or anything like that but I imagine it was perfect, just like their relationship. They are such goals and it's great, they are so good for each other. I love it.

I turn put my tux on and turn around to see Minho enter the room. He had an amazing suit on and my god was he an absolute snacc! I run to him and give him and huge hug and squeeze him in my arms.

"Awh, what's got you being all cute today?" Minho says in baby talk.

"You~" I baby talk back.

"Me?" He smiles to me.

"You." I confirm. "You just look so good!"

"So do you." He pinchea my cheek and sits on the bed, no longer hugging me of course.

"Thank you." I sit on his lap casually.

"You're very welcome." Minho wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"You missed." I joke.

"Missed what?" He tilts his head.

"My lips silly." I pout.

"Well in that case." He kisses my lips and I kiss back.

He pull apart and Minho laughs. "We needa go now, let's go."

I nod and we stand up. Then I get an idea and jump on Minho's back. "Tired." I pout.

He stumbles as he wasn't ready for that. He gains his balance and supports me on his back by putting his arms around my ankles. "Maybe warn me next time?" He says to me.

"Fine sorry." I pout more.

"Stop pouting! Ima be sad!" Minho whines.

I pout more just cuz.

Minho frowns and I feel bad.

"Hey! No sad!" I aggressively hug his neck from where I was on his back.

Minho laughs and so do I. "I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say, arms still around his neck, I was comfy.

Sadly however, we got to the car and Minho put me in the passenger seat. I buckle up and wait for him to get in. He does and buckles up too, driving to the field where the ceremony is going to be held.

We get there and Minho opens the door for me and I get out of the car, giving him a small kiss.

"Hey, when we get married who's gonna wear the dress." Minho looks at me.

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