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Minho's perspective

Day 3 of making Han Jisung fall in love with me.

Today I was going to of course give him alone gift letter combination. I head to the store and look for any squirrel plushies, I wanted to be like 'the squirrel guy' or something.

I walk down the isle and see a cute squirrel plushie with some sequins on it. I grab it off of the shelf and go look for a gift box. I grab a pink and white gift box. I grab a bow for the top and go to pay.

As I pay the cashier smiles at me. "Is this a gift for anyone? Maybe a girlfriend perhaps?" She asked me.

"It's for my crush." I say.

"Oh well she's surely lucky." She smiles and hands me the box.

"He actually." I chuckle.

"Oh how cute! I love that. Well good luck." She smiles again.

"Thank you." I smile and walk out.

I go to my car and put the bow on the box. Then I put the lid on and drive to the school. I sneak over to his locker and place it inside. Then I grab out a note I had written the night before.

The note had read,

'hey Jisung, me again! <3

I hope you enjoyed my gift last time! I worked really hard on it and I hope you liked it. I decided to get you another one to show you how much I love you! Wish we could be together but I'm not sure you are ready for that. Much love though'

I thought he would like that so I slipped it in his locker and closed it up. Then I went to my locker and called Felix.

"Why so early?"

"Come to the school, we should get some practice done."

"Sure whatever crazy, I'll be there soon."

"Thanks Lix!"


He hangs up on me. I go to the dance studio and start to practice my solo part, waiting for Felix.

I get a text.


Can Jisung come?
He wants to watch

No! It's supposed to
be a surprise for

Okay I'll tell him you
hate him and he can't

Do not say that!

I'll tell him you love

He's not ready
to hear that..

You sure? Or are
you just insecure

I'm sure okay
Just tell him he can't
come it's not him it's me

Amnesia~Minsung 💕जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें