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Okay so I found a lot of cute fanart for this one......
This chapter is for potter108

No characters are dead in this so its just the ship that is different

No characters are dead in this so its just the ship that is different

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Leo: awwwwwwwwww

Piper: Thalia can smile?

Jason: awwww sis you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend

Thalia: who got this picture, I just want to talk


Nico: I did

Thalia: NiCo?????? HOW!!!!

Nico: there was something going on between you so I stole Leo's drones

Leo: this is the 3rd time you've stolen them, how do you keep finding them

Nico: talent

*chainsaw being revved up in the distance*

Reyna: babe!!!! Do not chainsaw Valdez's drones!!!!!

Reyna: they're useful to the camp!!!!

Jason: she just doesn't want anyone to know she's soft

Reyna: she is super cute, like a tiny killer chipmunk

Leo: how is that cute??

Reyna: she fuzzy but can kill you, that's how I like my women

Thalia: if I can't chainsaw the drones then I'll chainsaw Nico

Will: please don't I just got him out of the infirmary

Thalia: but.....I wanna chainsaw something......

Reyna: how about we take the chainsaw, and just use it to kill some monsters

Thalia:...........its a date.........

Reyna: sure, we can go grab some coffee afterwards too

Thalia: sounds good to me

*They link hands while Thalia carries the chainsaw*



Leo: so we're just going to ignore the fact that they're idea of a date is killing

Nico: nothing as romantic as committing a felony together ❤

Will: Nico when was the last time you slept

Nico: Wednesday

Will: but today's Tuesday

Nico: exactly


Nico: alright......

Leo: I'm feeling really single (me too Leo me too) I'm just invisible

Leo: oh hey sunshine!!!!!

Calypso: how about we go for a walk

Leo: sure!!!

A/N yeah now I feel really single thanks Leo.......

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Percy Jackson and friends react to their own fan artWhere stories live. Discover now