No time for crushes

Beginne am Anfang

"Does anyone know where mitch is?" I called out
" I do follow me" Aj smiled.
"Be careful kiddo" clem smiled to him.
He rolled his eyes and started walking , I followed him.
"I like it here little guy?" I asked him
"Yeah it's a nice home"Aj smiled
"There's Mitch" he said pointing.
I looked up to see Mitch in front of a greenhouse with lots of materials.
"What's shaking?" I asked
"What?" Mitch said
"Never mind what's all this?" I asked him
"What we need for the bombs I'm gonna show these guys how to make them so when they put them in the boiler room and the boat goes boom we have enough time to get the hell out of there" Mitch smiled.
"That's smart and why am I here?" I asked
"Oh your just here so you know what we're doing Louis said he wanted to talk to you" Mitch said
Aasim and willie nudged each other.
"What?" I asked them
"Oh nothing go along now don't wanna keep lou bear waiting" willie giggled.
Lou bear?! What the hell?!
I walked towards Louis and he saw me and smiled.
"Hey" he smiled
"Hey" I replied
"So I need your help doing this fence stuff it's harder than it looks and no one is helping me" Louis sighed
"I got this" I smiled
"Get your asses over here ! Who told you thAt it was fucking nap time I certainly didn't yeah that's right hall in" I yelled
Louis laughed as everyone came over.
"What?!" Aj asked
"We gotta help build the fence re I forcements goofball" clem smiled to him
"Ok" Aj sighed .
I listened as Louis explained how to re in force the fences , something about his voice lured you in it wanted you to know more . He was pretty cute but I can't like him can I ?! He's my bestfriend! There's no denying he's cute but I've got bigger fish I don't even know I'll be alive in a weeks time!
"You got that chas?"
"Huh what?" I asked
"Do I get it?" Lou asked me
"Yeah totally no problem" I smiled, but I had a problem there's no way I'm actually crushing on Louis especially at a time like this , no I wasn't no way and even if I was he probably doesn't like me back anyway. I let out a grunt and started cutting wood and such.

After long hours of work everything was slowly but surely coming together , our hard work was paying off. Mitches bombs were great and had been tested and the fences were so re inforced I'm not sure even we could break them if we wanted to. I stepped back and admired our work .
"Hey" I heard Louis say
"Hi" I smiled sitting down
"This is you did great" he said to me
"Thank u kind sir" I laughed
"Look I don't know what's gonna happen on that boat so I'm gonna dig myself into a hole in which I might never come out from cool? Cool , since you've been here I feel connected to you and not in a silly way but a real connection you know" he started
"Yeah I get that feeling to" I smiled .
What's he trying to say? Does he like me? Like actually like ME!
"What I'm trying to say is I think I no no I know that I -" he started
I started laughing , it was so funny watching him get all frazzled .
"I like you!" He blurted out.
I almost choked on whatever Flouids I was running low on in my body.
"You do?" I asked
"Yeah I do" he smiled
"Louis I don't want to promise a relationship if I'm not gonna get it that boat it wouldn't be fair" i sighed.
It was the sad truth of the matter , I might not get off that boat and if I do a lot of people are gonna die anyway.
"I can wait until you get of the boat" Louis smiled
"If" I corrected him
"When" he said .
I smiled and put my hand on his , he looked up and smiled. We heard someone clearing there throat, we looked up to see Mitch.
"We were uh I was uh" Louis started
"Relax I get it anyway I don't care dinners ready Omar said come find you guys" Mitch smiled .
"Nice excuse" I playfully pushed Louis
"I would so do that if you didn't have a hole in your shoulder right now" Louis giggled.

We sat down at the table and it wasn't awkward but no one was acting as themselfs it was weird, maybe they were just scared.
"I hope tommorow goes to plan" Omar said
"Me to" willie admitted
"I know your scared I am to but I have to do it" I smiled
"We have to do it" Mitch corrected me.
After that conversation started flowing like normal I guess everyone just need reasurance.

I went back to the dorm room and raised my eyebrow at Louis , he was pacing.
"Oh good your here" he smiled
"What's going on" I laughed
"Well there's one thing I've always wanted to do with a lady that's under the age of 35" he giggled
"What?" I asked
"May I have this dance?" Louis said bowing
"This and every other" I smiled
"Ooh she's a smooth talker" Louis smiled
"Maybe" i giggled .
I danced with Louis , he stepped on my foot once or twice but he was an ok dancer and I didn't mind being close to him after all, it might be the last time .

"As much as I want to stay up and dance forever with you I'm going to bed because I have to do a lot tomro " I smiled
"It's ok goodnight" he smiled
"Goodnight louis" I smiled
There was another thing I wanted to do before I could possibly die.
I looked at Louis and went in to kiss him , nope! Can't do it! I kissed him on the cheek instead, goddamn it why am I so weird. I mentally facepalmed and climbed into bed annoyed with myself.

Long chapter alert

Please vote and keep reading it helps me out

Are u excited for the mission? ME TO

📚See u in the next chapter📚

Apocalyptic feeling (walking dead /Louis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt