Pink pixie cut

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I woke up the next morning and heard loud laughter , it was nice . Instead of arguing people were having fun and everything was fine between me and louis . It was nice to have good friends, like really good friends. I was worried thought because those people came from somewhere and we made quite an issue , I really hope it doesn't bite us in the ass. I tried to get out of bed but it was hard my shoulder was seriously starting to catch up to me, it fucking hurt. Come on I gotta get up today it's supposed to be a good day, clems back.
"Hey chasiddy" Violet said coming into my room
"Uh hey vi" I smiled
"How you holdin up" she said leaning against the wall.
"Well I'm not bitten so that's good I guess" I smiled. I tried to make the best out of a bad situation, it really did hurt though but I had to be strong for the group.
"Yeah well anyway I came to tell you we are having a funneral you know for marlin and brody" vi said.
"A funneral? For marlin seriously that's the least he deserves!" I rolled my eyes and said.
"Yeah well it's the right thing to do" vi said
"I'll be there" I said .
Violet didn't say anything more she just left, I saw a different side to her it was like she actually felt something for a change. I finally pulled the strength together to pull myself up and walked outside .
"Hey champ" willie said.
I looked over and everyone was standing around a grave.
"Marlin was -he was a lot of things but above all he was encouraging he encouraged us and even though he was bad he made us brave" vi said
We all bowed our heads and clem and Aj stood behind crossing there arms.
"And brody was sweet kind and even though she was secretive she tried to do what's best and that's what counts may the both rest in peace" vi said

We stood for a few minuites in silence and then everyone walked away .
"We gotta find out where lilly came from" clem spoke
"Yeah I agree if she's from a big group we could have just pissed off a lot of people" I said
"How do we find out?" Willie asked
"Well marlin had a map we could use to estimate where they could be" Louis said
"That makes sense the safe zone was probably to avoid them right?" Aj asked
"Very good Aj u might be right" clem smiled
Ten ran off to get marlins map and was back in no time.
"So we are in this large Forrest , there is a ocean over there and more land that way" Louis said
"So we send one group each way" clem said
"We don't really know as much as u and chas about survival we need a lot of power" ten said
"Clem will go with one group I'll go with another you listen to us" I said
"Good idea violet Omar ten and willie are with me" clem said
"So that means ruby Louis aasim and Mitch you guys are coming with me" I said
"What about me?" Aj said
"You obviously come with me" clem said
"Right" Aj smiled
"I'll take the land I guess" clem said to me
"I got the ocean we meet back here in sag an hour" I asked
"Sounds good to me everyone grab weapons!" Clem yelled .
Everyone ran and grabbed there weapon and started walking to the gates.
"See you on the other side" clem smiled
"I had a catch phrase like that it was leave once but return always" I smiled
"Let's go" clem walked off with her group and I walked with mine.
"Everyone stay alert and it will be fine" I said
"I'm not sure yall I really don't wanna do this" ruby said
"Pull it together we got this" Mitch said coldly
"Yeah ruby we haven't got time for fear right now" Louis smiled to her.
"Walkers up ahead 3 of them" I said
I heard ruby swallow and she pulled up her knife.
I pulled my knife .
"Good old chairles" Louis said
"What the hell is that?!" I asked
"A chair leg with nails and such she's really handy" he smiled
"Wow" I laughed.
I dug my knife into a walkers head and Mitch cut off a head , I looked over to see ruby panicking .
"Stab it!" I yelled
"I'm trying!" She said
"God dammit ruby!" Mitch yelled as he stabbed through the walker almost stabbing ruby.
"Ruby pull it together or get back in those gates!" I said to her.
"I'm sorry I'm trying" she said catching her breath.
"Try harder!" I said coldly
Ruby frowned and walked ahead
"Really ?" Aasim said to me
"What?" I asked
"She's trying ok" he replied
"Trying doesn't keep u alive it's the doing that counts if she wants to survive she will listen to me!" I said
Aasim nodded and walked ahead slashing one more walker .
"Your right but if u want ruby to listen u need to be nicer than right now" Louis said
"Right got it" I took note of what he said he was right.
We walked up and saw an opening in the trees it was a beach.
"Fall back find cover!" I yelled
Everyone did as I said and got behind cover .
I walked closer to the beach and something became very clear , a boat!
What the hell?! There are so many people!
"Drop your wepon!" I heard a voice say
I turned around to see a girl with pink pixie cut hair .
I dropped my weapon and she walked closer.
"What's your name?!" She demanded
"Chassidy" I replied
"Listen chasiddy I'm only gonna say this once get away from here while I give u a cha-" she started
"Minerva? Is that u" Louis stepped out from cover .
The pink haired girl turned around and looked Louis up and down.
"Lou?is that you?" She said
"Omg Minnie your alive" aasim stepped out of cover
"What happened to u?" Ruby asked
"Marlin gave me and Sophie away and I was the only one who made it" she said wiping a tear.
"Omg Minnie I'm so sorry" Louis said to her
"You guys need to leave now before your seen here this place is bad news!"she told us.
"We think your people are after us" I said
"They are you need to run far far from here" she said
"Come with us Minnie! Ten misses you" Mitch said
"I can't it wouldn't be safe and tell ten I miss him and I love him" she sighed
"Minerva is that you?!" We heard a voice
"Hide" she mouthed to us.
We all got back into cover.
"Yes lilly miss" she said
"Hurry up we got to get food for the horses!" Lilly said
"Yes miss" she said
Lilly walked away .
"You guys need to go now but be prepared they're coming for u and they're is a lot of us!" She said
"I'm so sorry minnie" Louis said
"Be strong lou I miss you" she smiled
Louis walked up to her and hugged her , she was shocked but nuzzled into his shoulder, they must have been close but something tells me she would have preferred Louis to be violet if u catch my drift.
"We got to get back the others will be worrying" Ruby said
"We are gonna prepare than u uh Minnie for all ur help we are always welcoming u home" I smiled to her
"Hurry go now" she said .
We ran quick back into the gates of the camp and told the others what happened there were tears mostly from ten, his sister was kidnapped and the other never survived poor kid. It really hurt seeing everyone so hurt , it was like there tears were falling in slow motion and even though I didn't know them I felt connected to every single person . After it was told mostly everyone went to bed it was just me violet and Louis outside. I sat down and a few tears left my eyes , I couldn't help it I was just upset because we had to prepare now for a huge fight and I know these kids aren't ready like me and clem. Hell Aj probably has more of a chance!
"You ok?" Violet said sitting down with Louis
"I'm worried" I confessed
"Me too" vi said
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt and knowing even Minnie won't run it's so hard" Louis said
"We got to prepare, I'm thinking big walls red forces walls and signs and bombs maybe I don't know just big" I said
"Or we could just attack them first" vi said
"Like by surprise?" Louis asked
"I have an idea that might just work" I smiled





📚see you in the next chapter📚

Apocalyptic feeling (walking dead /Louis)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu