A new home

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This is you your name is chasiddy but people call u chas Your 15 years old and in the apocalypse , however now you have a scar down my cheek and on my ear

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This is you your name is chasiddy but people call u chas
Your 15 years old and in the apocalypse , however now you have a scar down my cheek and on my ear . Before the apocalypse u were a model by force, u never wanted to model but your parents forced you causing insecurities and depression.

                            ~_~chapter 1~_~

I woke up in a room, unaware of my surroundings. Where the fuck am I?! I thought to myself . I tried to get up but noticed my hand was attached to something . Tape?! Really? I rolled my eyes and yanked off the tape I got up and noticed a bandage on my side,what happened to me?! Where even am I?! I heard muffled voices and started to panic I went to pull out my knife only to realise it was no where to be found. How the fuck am I supposed to defend myself?! My panic grew larger as the doorknob started to turn, I swallowed and stood in a fight position. I looked and saw a boy, he looked sort of young he had blonde crazy hair and blue eyes and lots of little facial hairs.
"Woah relax we ain't gonna hurt you" he told me
"Where the fuck am I?!" I demanded to know
"Your safe , at my camp with other survivors" he told me .
"A camp?" I questioned , I have never been in one of those before.
"You know lots of people grouping together to defend ourselves" he told me
"Oh" I said as I noticed he was holding my bag.
"Here" he handed me my bag and I checked to make sure everything was in there and it was.

"Come on you have to meet the others" he told me
"Wait what's your name?" I asked
"Oh sorry where's my manners I'm marlin" he smiled
"Ok" I said
I didn't tell him my name yet, I don't know if he is trustworthy . I know it's just a name but it is really a brand for me I can't escape it . I followed him out of the door and into a courtyard where I saw many people.
"Everyone to the Kuching tables" marlin called out.
I followed what he said and sat down , I recieved looks some friendly some not but I really didn't care I probably won't be here long anyway.
"This is aasim, brody,Louis,Mitch,Omar,ruby,tennesee otherwise known as ten,violet and willy" marlin introduced me

"Hello" I said looking down , I haven't spoke to anyone in a while.
"As you know I'm Louis this is the part where you tell me your name" he smiled .
I stayed quiet , I don't want them to know me.
"Ok then..." Louis said looking to marlin for guidance .
"Well I'll be thats chasiddy chase she used to model in North Carolina and moved onto l.a " the little chubby ginger girl said .
"Is that true?" Someone asked
I couldn't hide it now , I looked up and nodded.
"What did u lose your tounge?" The girl called violet said but she was swiftly elbowed by ten.
"No I didn't I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude I don't normally speak to people these days" I said trying to smile.
"No one does but you can always talk to us" ten assured me
"Thanks that means a lot" I told them
"So your a big hotshot model" willie said
"I was" I corrected him
"Well your still pretty to me" he said blushing
"Thanks" I said slightly disturbed .
No one has called me that in a while , after I crashed that car and got these scars not that many people recognised me.
"Your making the poor lady uncomfortable come on where's dinner" ruby demanded
Everyone laughed and looked to Omar .
He was stirring the pot.
"Soon" he said
"Omar is a big food snob a slight flavour out of place and he's depressed for weeks" Louis laughed .
Omar rolled his eyes and everyone laughed except me, why was everyone being nice to me? They don't know me?!
"While we wait whose up for a card game" marlin suggested
"Good idea" Louis said
"We are gonna go talk to Omar" willie said as he ran of with ten and mitch .
"So easy game highest card wins and gets to ask the new girl a question if she wins she asks us one cool?" He asked
"Sure" I smiled .
We all drew a card and marlin got the highest,Louis grunted and violet looked annoyed but then again I haven't seen her look anything else but annoyed since I got here.
"So new girl I haven't seen many models with as cool as scars as you how did u get them" he asked me.
The scars on my face weren't a secret but I had scars no one else knew about to but no one needs to know about them last person to know was eaten by a walker so I guess those scars bring bad luck.
"I was in a car crash slit up my face just as the walkers started" I told them.
"What did your agent have to say about that?" Violets asked intrigued .
"I haven't seen him but I doubt he would like it" I said
"They're cool" Louis told me.
"Every scar has a story" marlin said
"You got that right" I told them.
We drew the cards again and I won this time.
"I win suckers" I said
"Beginners luck" violet spat out
"You never had that violet" Louis laughed
She kicked him under the table .
"So what's the deal with marlins hair?" I asked his hair was crazy and not in a good way.
Louis laughed ,
"What it looks cool" marlin said
"It looks like a dead cat probably smells like one to" violet laughed .
"Whatever"marlin said.
I hope I didn't upset him.
We drew again and violet won.
"So I always like to ask this in groups who would die first?" Violet said .
I thought about it and decided to go with an answer that wouldn't offend anyone.
"Anyone that's not me I'm a survivor" I told them.
"I agree u seem strong"marlin said
I laughed , and we drew again Louis won.
"So uh you ever had a Yh boyfriend?" He asked me
"Oh seriously!" Violet scoffed
"What it's a perfectly normal question"he assured her.
I laughed .
"No I haven't although my parents tried to set me up multiple times" I told them .
"What were your parents like?" Marlin asked
"One question at a time" I said tryna change the subject.
We drew a card and I won again.
"So like what's the worst injury you guys have ever seen?" I asked
"I once saw a walker that had his face completely torn off" violet said
"I saw a guy cut off him finger" marlin said
"I saw someone cut marlins hair" Louis laughed
We all laughed at that .
"What about you?" Violet asked
"Probably my own injuries " I told them
"Cool" Louis said .
We drew again and Louis won .
"Ok last question what's one thing u wished u got to do before the whole zombie thing?" He asked
"Be normal I mean being a model wasn't my choice I didn't like it I wasn't aloud to play outside I case I hurt myself I wasn't aloud to go on school trips because it was dirty and Once I had my phone taken for a month because I left the house in sweat pants" I told them.
"Wow I guess modelling is harder than I thought" violet said.
"It wasn't so bad my parents- I mean I liked the money and fame a little I guess" I lied . My parents liked it not me , I never wanted to be a model.
"Dinners up" Omar smiled .
We all grabbed our food and I ate really quickly.
"I haven't had a meal like that In a long time" I smiled
"A famous model likes my cooking I'm fangirling"Omar laughed .
Everyone laughed except me, I wasn't just a model this is the apocalypse! Hello! I'm a survivor and I was a hell of a lot before anyway. I looked down at my arm and saw the scars I had made , I never regretted it as marlin said every scar had a story.
"What are those they're cool" ten asked noticing my arm.
"Oh nothing just you know normal everyday falling over in woods running from walkers" I tried to laugh.
"Yeah" ten laughed along with me.
Everyone laughed except for Louis. There was something about that guy he was guilt ridden I don't know why but he was strange.
"Time for bed" marlin said
"Your with me and Louis" ten said
"Cool" I smiled .
I assumed they were talking about rooms seeing as this was a pretty big place.
I followed ten and Louis into there room, well our room for now. I kinda like it here .
Ten got straight into bed and I looked around, it was nice but it needed something.
"Too bland for your liking?" Louis asked me
"Not at all better than what I've slept on recently" I smiled.
"You must have ran from walkers a lot" Louis said
I looked down to my arm.
"Yup it took me a while to find weopens" i lied
"You know a lot of people would look at a girl like you and say I wish I had her life and hear your laugh once and then they would stop listening, I didn't" Louis told me
"I'm not sure where your going with this but skip to the point" I told him crossing my arms.
"Your a survivor survivors never run so those aren't from walkers" Louis said
"It's none of your business" I told him
"I know but Now everyone has stopped listening I'm gonna listen extra hard" he told me
"You do that" I said raising my brow .
"Your above me" he said taking my bag and chucking it up to the bed.
"A bunk bed?" I asked
"Yeah cool right?" Louis said
"I always wanted one as a kid but my parents didn't let me incase I fell" I told him.
"Well everything u didn't do then I'll help u do now"Louis smiled
"Thanks your really nice"I told him.
"Yeah I am for the most part" he smiled
"And Louis?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"People stopped listening to u to but I won't" I told him
"I know" he said
"It's chas" I told him
"What?" He asked
"My name is chas" I told him

I climbed the bed and drifted off into the best sleep I've had in ages.

Apocalyptic feeling (walking dead /Louis)Where stories live. Discover now