Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

Not that I was yearning for William.

I'd have much rather danced with Gideon.

'So... Do you usually walk around the back routes of the school?'


'When Charlie and I saw you, you were -'

'Oh, you mean when I was talking to Gideon?'

He visibly bristled.

I couldn't resist adding, 'Sorry, I should call him Mr Wickham, but he asked me to use his first name. I sort of fell into him and we just got chatting. He's a nice guy.'

'I suppose he would seem to be nice if you don't know him that well.'

'Maybe I should get to know him better,' I mused aloud.

His eye twitched at my suggestion. Dancing with him hadn't been a total loss, after all. While I couldn't openly accuse him of anything, it was fun to hint that I knew that something had happened between them. It felt like a victory was being scored on Gideon's behalf. If he wasn't prepared to stand up to someone like William, then this was the least I could do.

William looked away and said, 'I suppose everyone has different tastes when it comes to the company they keep.'

'Are we still talking about Gideon, or are you talking about my other friends?'

'I wouldn't look down on Jenny if that's what you're worried about. She and Charlie seem to have become fast friends already.'

'More than friends,' I muttered.

William caught on and soon his gaze was fixed on Jenny and Charlie. I didn't think he could oppose any attachment they felt to one another. She came from an excellent family. Okay, so she didn't have the same superiority in her that Chantelle did, but I thought that was in her favour. She was a kind girl and any guy would be lucky to have her. Not that she was forward enough to make a move on anyone. I was determined to push them to one another, though. I didn't think she'd find another guy that complimented her so well.

'I hope,' I said, 'that you're not the type of person who judges people too quickly.'

'Obviously not.'

'And you wouldn't think less of anyone for stupid reasons.'

'No, I wouldn't.'

'So, you wouldn't stoop to anything that might be beneath you, just to get back at someone. Right?'

'What's with all the questions?' William asked.

I shrugged. 'I'm just trying to understand you better. Is that a crime?'

'It's not. But I doubt you're getting a good idea of the kind of person I am like that.'

'I'm getting enough. Plus, the music's stopped. That means I'm free, doesn't it?'

'I didn't realise I was making you feel trapped. Thanks for the dance, Bennett.'

I wouldn't return his feelings of gratitude, not when he couldn't even address me by my first name. I couldn't get away from William fast enough. Once I was free and revelling in a moment of solitude, I walked straight into Chantelle. So much for the night being fun. It was turning into something from my nightmares. I wished that I'd stayed in the dorm and had an early night.

'Bennett,' she said with a false smile. 'I heard that you've been talking with Gideon Wickham.'

'Yes, Chantelle. He's basically a teacher. It's hard to avoid at school, you know?'

She didn't take offence to my tone, regrettably. I could have sworn that my annoyance only pleased her. She placed a hand on my shoulder in a consoling fashion. 'I don't like you, Bennett.'

'No! Really?'

'But I will give you some free advice. Don't believe everything Gideon Wickham tells you. I don't know all the details, but I know that there's a bloody good reason he didn't keep his last job. And he's not even rich or anything. His parents worked for William's father. From what I've heard, they weren't so bad, but he's nothing like them.'

'So - basically - I should ignore him because he's poor, and someone employed his parents? He already told me all of that, and I didn't turn my nose up at it. Do you know why? Because I don't care about his bank account.'

She narrowed her eyes and pulled her hand away slowly. 'Fine. Don't take my advice. I was just trying to help.'

'I seriously doubt that.'

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