Chapter Twenty Three

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Georgia was quick to relieve me of my glass and motioned unsubtly that I should hurry. I was so nonplussed by the idea of dancing with him; I was on my feet before I knew what I was doing. William closed his fingers around mine and led me into the throng of couples already swaying to a song. I thought I might be lucky enough to only spare a minute with him if it had been playing a while. The music switched over just as we came to a halt on the dancefloor and started up with a new rhythm.

Damn it.

I was prepared for a decent amount of distance between us. The sort of slow dance usually seen at weddings between awkward new in-laws was what I'd had in mind. William didn't. He pulled me so close that I almost fell onto him. Unfazed by my clumsiness, he stepped purposefully in time with the music, masterfully taking the lead. I was so busy praying to whatever God might be present to let me get through it alive that I barely noticed that he was trying to engage me in conversation.



'Were you listening?'

'Not even slightly,' I said, unabashed at my disinterest in him.

William sighed. I thought he might snap at me, but he held his temper. He asked again, 'Are you having a good evening?'

'It would be better if Wyatt would leave me alone.'

'I noticed that his dancing leaves a lot to be desired.'

'Yeah. I might need an x-ray on my feet tomorrow,' I agreed. 'I can't believe I have to put up with him until the end of the school year. Not that you're interested. Why ask about my evening in the first place?'

'Because we're having a polite conversation.'

'What's that about?' I asked. My voice trembled with nervous laughter. 'You hate me.'

He let out a scant breath through his nose. 'Hate is a strong word. You're not my favourite person in the world, but Charlie seems to like your company.'

'Wow. What a massive sacrifice you're making for your friend by dancing with me. I'll try not to make it too painful for you.'

'I don't mind talking to you if that's a habit you have when you dance with people.'

'Given I don't usually dance with anyone, I couldn't say I have anything like a habit when I do. Usually, I just hope that it'll be over pretty quickly.'

'In that case, I'm going to make you dance the next one with me as well.'


Lisa and Chrissy were making total spectacles of themselves on the dance floor. They skipped carelessly past us, bumping into me on the way. I fell against William's chest and he brought his arms around me securely. The heat flushed my cheeks so quickly that it left me light-headed. I tried to ease myself away, but he was too busy glaring after the idiots to notice. He muttered something under his breath I didn't quite catch. I suspected that it was best that I'd missed it. It couldn't have been anything polite.

'Think you could let me go?' I asked. 'If Chantelle sees this, she's going to claw my eyes out.'

'Whether she sees it or not, it's not her business.'

'Yeah, but I'd still like to keep my eyes in my face.' I wriggled free. Well, as free as I was going to get while we were still locked in the dance together. We returned to the gentle sway that seemed so popular with people who were using the music as an excuse for some physical contact with the opposite sex. Prom dancing. The kind of dancing you undertook when you knew that chaperones were scrutinising you, but you were aching for the brush of your partner's skin against yours.

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