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Dahyun didn't know what to really expect. She wandered through the library, her sole focus on finding the book required for her literacy class. She didn't care too much for it, but she needed it for her project.

As she scanned the shelves, she didn't expect to see a pretty face again. She knew she had seen a pretty face before, but had no idea who she was. Dahyun felt terrible for finding this new pretty face and crushing on her too.

She watched in silence as the girl looked through the different books, picking them out, flipping through them and putting it in the exact same spot. She was in awe of her really. It made her extremely nervous to approach her. She had started to talk herself through it when she saw someone already next to her. She didn't recognize the face, but recognized the bag and wheelchair. Jihyo. Chaeng's older sister.

She watched as Jihyo handed her phone to the pretty girl, seeing her read it and look for other books before pulling one down and handing it over to Jihyo.

"No this one." Jihyo touched her arm, pointing at another book. The girl nodded, putting it back and grabbing the other. "Perfect!" She smiled at the other girl. Dahyun watched as Jihyo wheeled herself away, watching the girl carefully from the end of the little aisle. When she looked over, the girl was looking at her, and gave her a small smile. Dahyun didn't know what to do. So she awkwardly left. Even if the book she needed was in that aisle.

Mina frowned when she watched Dahyun walk away from her. It was if she had never seen her before in her life, but in reality, they had sat at the same lunch table for a few weeks now... She had to admit, Dahyun caught her eye. She was very pretty and seemed very nice, but other than that, there was nothing.

At lunch she sat next to Momo, handing off one of her snacks that her mom always packed her, that she really didn't like but didn't have the heart to say no.

"Tell your mom she's a saint!" Momo gasped while opening the yogurt. Mina frowned, watching her devour the thing as if she had never eaten before. She didn't understand the appeal for the flavor, because personally, she liked the apple flavor. Not the aloe one.

She watched Dahyun sit with Chaeyoung again, her mind flashing back when Dahyun had stared at her as if she had no idea who she was earlier. She wished she could talk, at least just to properly introduce herself. She wanted to get to know Dahyun better, but no. She couldn't.


Dahyun sat at the piano after school, her mind wandering to her favorite place. Her music space. She played what she had written, her mind drawing a blank when she hit where she had left off. She frowned, knowing that this couldn't be the ending to her little piece. She needed more. Something. Anything that made sense. But nothing was coming to her mind.

She hit the last note repeatedly, trying to jog anything in her mind to keep going. Until she heard footsteps. She looked up, seeing a pretty girl walking in. She was certain she had seen the girl before, recognizing the same white uniform dress from earlier. The girl from the library.

"H-Hi.." Dahyun managed to spit out, watching as the girl got closer to her. She frowned when she didn't say anything, but also was internally happy. Her mind immediately thinking if she had said her greeting out loud, or had just thought it instead of speaking.

The girl pulled out her phone, typing something before handing it to her. Dahyun frowned while looking at it, reading the note quietly.

'Did I do something wrong to offend you?'

Dahyun didn't quite understand. She gave her a confused look, watching the girl take back her phone and clear her note. She watched as she typed, and read the note again.

'We sit with each other at lunch almost everyday... You saw me in the library and acted as if I did something wrong... I'm sorry if I did...'

"No! No! You.." Dahyun frowned, looking up at her. "I don't remember faces is all. So I'm so sorry." Dahyun immediately apologized, watching the girl in front of her blink a few times before giving her the confused look this time. "What?" She asked. She watched as the girl tapped her ear, shaking her head. "Oh...." Dahyun whispered. Then it hit her. She typed out a note on the phone, hoping she was right.

'Mina right?'

Mina smiled, nodding her head at the note. Dahyun felt accomplished, happy that she remembered at least her name, just not her face. Dahyun quickly pulled out her own phone, typing her response while handing it over to her. She felt terrible for not remembering such a basic thing, but then again, she was so focused on only remembering names and other things. Her note explained that she didn't recognize faces well, telling her she was sorry about earlier and saw a small sudden realization appear on Mina's face. 

The two stayed in the practice room, Mina sitting next to Dahyun as she played the piano. Mina reached out hesitantly, touching it carefully without hitting the keys. She felt little vibrations here and there, Dahyun in her own little world as she tried to play a few notes. Mina's hand had slipped down, hitting one of the higher notes, catching Dahyun's attention. Mina immediately pulled her hands away, terrified that she had ruined the song or whatever she was playing. 

Dahyun however, reached over and played the same note, finding what she had needed. She smiled as she wrote in a break, and continuing from the key Mina had hit on accident. She gave her a big smile, watching as Mina smiled back at her. 

Her accident helped her overcome her own little barrier. Which was perfect.

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