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Mina frowned when she realized Sana had been gone for two days straight. She wasn't responding to texts either. Nayeon had told her some family things had happened, and she needed to be away, so she couldn't help but worry. Mina knew the ins and outs of Sana's family, knowing that she was struggling to have some kind of help, but she couldn't help in any way really..

When Sana did get back to school, she was almost worse.

"What happened?" Nayeon frowned. "You don't have to tell us, but... We're worried." Nayeon whispered. Sana looked at Mina, seeing the concern written on her face.

"My parents... Lost custody of me." Sana whispered, signing for Mina.

"WHAT?!" Nayeon gasped, Mina's eyes widened, shocked at what she had said.

"Yeah.. I... Needed to be evaluated and.. Taken out of my home." She frowned.

"What's going to happen?" Mina signed. "Are you going to stay with someone else in your family?" She added.

"No... The social worker told me that it was too dangerous that way.." She sighed. "So I'm staying with some random family..." She explained. "I had to see a doctor and everything else... that's why I've been out." She added.

Mina didn't know what else to do, so she just hugged her best friend tightly. Sana held onto her tighter, happy to have something that was warm and comforting in her life for the first time in the passed two days.


The trio stayed together, helping Sana with anything she needed. Jeongyeon and Momo watched them, seeing how happy they were together.

"You know, it's weird seeing Sana so happy." Jeongyeon muttered.

"How so?" Momo asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"She only smiles like that with Nayeon and Mina. Do you think something's going on between them?" She asked, looking to the younger.

"No." Momo mumbled, mouth full of food. "Tzuyu told me from Chaeyoung that Dahyun has been crushing on Mina hard and that Mina likes Dahyun too, but they're both too shy." She explained.

"Your sister, was told by Chaeng, who was told by Dahyun. How do you know about Mina's crush?" Jeongyeon asked trying to piece everything together.

"Nayeon and Hyo." Momo answered. "Speaking of!" She smiled when she saw her girlfriend wheeling herself over. "Hi!" She smiled.

"Hey." Jihyo chuckled. "Eating outside?" She asked.

"It's a nice day." Momo shrugged. Jeongyeon nodded in agreement, watching the two interact. She smiled at the sight of them, happy that they were at least dating now.


"You just need confidence." Sana signed to Mina as they walked through the halls afterschool.

"Yeah!" Nayeon nodded while walking with them.

"Just.. Well." Sana sighed, stopping in her tracks.

"What?" Nayeon asked her.

"Mina can't just up and ask her out... She has to type it." Sana pouted.

"So she can do that right? Why can't she?" Nayeon asked while looking back at the younger girl. Mina gave them both a confused look, seeing Sana shrug her shoulders.

"You both are no help." Mina signed.

"We try out best!" Nayeon scoffed, pretending to be offended at her statement. Sana quickly signed to Mina, watching as the youngest let out a small laugh. Both girls smiled at the sudden sound, watching her as she quickly covered her mouth and shook her head, turning away from them. "No! No!" Nayeon gasped.

Both girls hurried to her, wrapping their arms around her tightly. They saw how distressed she got suddenly with just laughing that it didn't make anything better.

"Mina... It's okay." Sana signed quickly.


Nayeon took the two of them home, Sana sitting up front with Nayeon with Mina in the backseat.

"Why did she get so upset?" Nayeon asked. "She laughed. That's nothing to be upset about." She frowned.

"When Mina and I were younger, she was learning how to speak when we were both young. Like, way passed Kinder. So it was really hard for her since she can't hear." Sana explained. "She felt confident enough to talk around me, but was a little nervous around others. So I helped her work on her confidence and then after a few years, she decided to talk to people... But they just made fun of her..." Sana sighed.

"Wow..." Nayeon whispered.

"They called her horrible names. Making fun of her because she couldn't talk, and when she did, it wasn't loud enough, and it certainly didn't sound correct to them." She further explained. "So, now whenever she makes a noise, all of those memories come flooding back to her and she freaks out." She wanted her best friend to speak again, but she didn't know how to get her to that point ever again.

"That... That's not right." Nayeon whispered. "I would never make fun of her because of that..." She sighed, eyes fixed on the road.

"I know.. Stupid kids with no moral compass... It just didn't make sense then. She was different to them and it scared them." Sana frowned. "But to me she's my best friend. Heck, close enough to be my sister." She chuckled.

The rest of the ride was silent, Nayeon dropping Mina off before taking Sana to her new place.

"So... I'm guessing everything is kinda hectic in your life." Nayeon frowned.

"A bit." Sana sighed.

"You don't want to go home... Do you." Nayeon whispered.

"Not really." Sana answered. "They're great.... I just.. I don't know." She sighed.

Sana ended up staying with Nayeon, informing her foster parents of the sudden change. She promised she was safe and was only a few streets away from the school so she would be back tomorrow.

"You don't have to tell me anything.. But I'm just in awe with how well you're handling this." Nayeon sighed while she waited for Sana to finish changing in the bathroom.

"I've been wanting it ever since I was diagnosed... So I can't help but feel a little calm about it.... But at the same time, they're my parents... And I hope nothing terrible happens to them. You know?" She explained.

"Diagnosed?" Nayeon frowned.

"Yeah... I'd rather not talk about it right now..." Sana muttered, walking out of the bathroom.

"That's okay. We don't have to talk about it. But I'm here for you." Nayeon gave her a reassuring smile, hoping everything would be okay for her.

"Thank you." Sana returned the smile, climbing into the bed with her. "This is gonna sound weird... But can we cuddle?" She whispered.

"Of course." Nayeon smiled.

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