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Jeongyeon didn't struggle too much with being blind in one eye. It just made her self conscious about herself. She tried her best to cover it up when she could, wearing colored contacts or an eye patch. 

She had been blind in the eye since birth, and had grown used to her depth perception being completely off at all times. Sometimes she didn't even know when she was standing too close to a person or not.

She had a system though. She would memorize how the classrooms were laid out, giving herself enough time to be able to find her desk without stumbling into someone or something. It happened on occasion, causing her to feel embarrassed about it. She hated drawing attention to herself. 

After she had met Dahyun, she kept the contact off, not having any irritants that whole day. It made her a little more comfortable to be able to focus without having to constantly feel an itch or pain she couldn't take care of. 

"So partner." Momo smiled next to her. "We have two weeks to get this project done." She sighed while looking at their combined notes. 

"And your part looks like a toddler did it." Jeongyeon laughed while picking up her paper. 

"Shut up. My teacher helps." Momo frowned while taking her paper back from her friend. The two continued to talk about their project until the bell rang, signalling lunch. They walked out together, now talking about various things instead of the project as they walked. 

Jeongyeon was grateful for Momo. She didn't care about Jeongyeon's blind eye, and honestly helped her a lot. The two had a lot of the same classes together, minus a few. Every time a teacher changed the layout of the classroom, Momo would walk on her left side making sure that if she bumped into anything, it was her instead of someone or something. 

At lunch, Momo always stayed on her left, making sure that she was comfortable. Or she was in front of her, giving her cues on when to look to the left, or would let her know when someone was sitting next to her so she was aware of it. 

"Jeong, are you sitting with us?" Chaeyoung asked her. 

"Yeah, save my seat and Momo a seat." She called out. Chaeyoung gave her a thumbs up as the two older girls waited in line for their food. "Why does Tzuyu bring a lunch, and you buy lunch? Do your parents have favorites?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"I ate my lunch during second period. I got hungry." Momo shrugged. "I usually eat my lunch before lunch." She chuckled while Jeongyeon gave her a look of pure shock. "What? Not my fault I have Gym first class this year." She frowned. 

By the time they had gotten to the table, everyone was chatting about various things. Jeongyeon waved at Dahyun, smiling at her. It took a few seconds for Dahyun to register who she was, but then smiled and waved back at her after she had recognized the blind eye. It wasn't long before two more girls joined their table.

"So! Here are your notes." Sana smiled while handing the stack of papers to Momo. 

"Finally. I owe you big for this." Momo muttered. "Hi Mina." She quickly signed to her other friend. Mina waved, smiling at the older. 

"Just never touch my things again and we'll be even." Sana muttered. 

"Noted." Momo chuckled. Jeongyeon couldn't help but stare at Sana the entire time. She was in awe with how gorgeous this girl was. And she was Momo's friend. 


"So... Sana. What's her type?" Jeongyeon asked the next day in their math class. They had ten minutes of free time for getting high marks on their last test and lots of kids were using it to just chat.

"Um... No idea..." Momo frowned. "Why?" She asked. 

"You have a friend that is that gorgeous, and you don't even introduce me to her." She frowned. Momo couldn't help but snort with laughter at her remark. "Come on, don't laugh." She scoffed.

"Quit being a useless lesbian and do something about it then!" Momo whispered. "I think she's gay." She laughed. 

"I need a solid answer Momo. I can't just dive in using my charm just for her to turn around and say she's straight!" She hissed. 

"Yeah, your charm of terrible jokes and winking terribly." Momo smirked. 

"I hate you." Jeongyeon muttered, looking away from her. Momo let out a loud laugh as she pulled out her phone to text Sana. Almost instantly she got a reply, handing it over to Jeongyeon. "You just asked her if she was gay?!" Jeongyeon gawked. 

"Yeah, we're friends." Momo shrugged her shoulders. "She said she is, what's the problem?" She frowned. 

"Momo... You can't just go on and ask people if they're gay..." Jeongyeon frowned. 

"Says you! I just ask people because I'm terrible at reading people." Momo explained. "Which is why I asked Chaeyoung if her sister was by chance." She mumbled. Jeongyeon let out a tiny gasp, looking at the younger. "I think she's very smart and very... Very beautiful." 

"Wait... Jihyo. Chaeyoung's older sister. That's a year younger than you." Jeongyeon asked quietly. 

"More like a few months really, she's just a grade below." Momo corrected. 

"Student body president Jihyo." Jeongyeon continued. "She's not even fun." She chuckled. 

"I bet she is." She smiled. "I'm just too afraid to ask her out.. What if she rejects me?" She asked quietly. 

"Now here is where I say, stop being a useless lesbian and just ask." Jeongyeon chuckled. 

"Oh ha ha. Now I hate you." Momo scoffed. 

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