Part 1

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Percy P.O.V.

The war with Gaea was over. Leo was back with Calypso. We were at Olympus receiving our 'gifts' from the Gods for defeating Gaea.

"You have done very well demigods" Zeus' voice boomed in the Throne Room. "You all demigods will receive gifts because of your bravery" he said.

Thalia was already immortal so she became more powerful.

Piper was made immortal and her charm speak was more powerful.

All of their chances came Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo, The Stoll's, Clarisse, Chris, Katie, Grover, Juniper, Rachel, Nico, Will and Calypso were given similar 'gifts'. (Thank you 146852586a for pointing out a mistake!😊)

Before the Gods called our names a new figure arrived. Everybody bowed down even the Gods so I bowed down too. I had no idea who this man was, that's when it hit me, he was Chaos, The creator of Universe himself. He was the most powerful being in the Universe.

He then called our names "Rise everyone. Percy and Annabeth for all you have done I make you my heirs." Everybody was shocked and the look on Hera, it was worth watching, it was priceless she was the most shocked among all of us.

"Bow before the King and Queen of the Universe." he said. So everyone followed.

And that's how we all became immortal and Annabeth and I became the 'King and Queen of Universe' and the most powerful beings in the Universe next to Chaos.

They all became immortal but couldn't fade like the Gods, because they were not Gods. And Annabeth and I were more powerful than the Gods but still couldn't fade.

------------------Time skip (2 years later)------------------

It has been 2 years since we became immortal and Annabeth and I have a lot of new powers. For example, we could kill almost all types of monsters easily without putting any effort. And we can build anything all we have to do is think and Voila it is in front of us. We were even bulletproof and swordproof. Nothing could hurt us. We could fly and control mostly anything after Chaos gave his blessings. We could even teleport (mist travel, vapor travel etc. all types of teleportation) and much more. We are the most powerful beings in the Universe what did you expect?  

We had went to Chaos planet and did a lot of stuff met other gods killed a lot of monsters saved a lot of planets. You may be thinking how could we do all theses things in just 2 years well time was different there unlike Earth.

We were now in our mansion. Which we build as a gift for my family and we build another mansion for Annabeth's family. We were eating blue cookies. I mean who doesn't love blue cookies right? We took a small break from the whole 'King and Queen of Universe' thing, I mean don't get me wrong, we were very grateful but we needed a break so we came here. We were in normal clothes not the 'King and Queen of the Universe' clothes. Today was a big day for me because I was going to propose Annabeth. I had a plan (which I did not make, you think I could make a plan when I am nervous, like a lot) which my mom made I had made a ring which had a mix of sea-green and stormy grey diamond. I was going to go to park with Annabeth and propose her. It was not that simple, I was nervous but happy at the same time.

"Hey Wise Girl, wanna go to the park" I said.

"Sure Seaweed Brain, just let me change" she said going to the room.

After 10 minutes she came, and let me tell you this she was absolutely gorgeous. I did not notice that I was drooling until Annabeth said something.

 "Close your mouth Seaweed Brain you're drooling" she said while laughing.

------------------Time skip------------------

We arrived at the park. After we reached near a lake, I took her in my arms bridal-style and jumped in the lake and made a water bubble big enough for both of us. She then scolded me "Do you have any idea what you are doing, one day you could give me a heart attack by doing that." I smiled goofily at her. Then I bent down to one knee and asked her.

"Wise Girl you are the best thing that happened in my life. Will you marry me?"

"Yes" she said while a few tears slipped her eyes and her hands covering her mouth.

I quickly placed the ring in her hand and kissed her. It was the best underwater kiss ever. After a while we came out of the lake and sat there, her head placed on my chest and we were looking towards the sky.

Right then a few people came, in what looked like costumes, to ruin our perfect moment.

Pointing out mistakes and constructive criticism is deeply appreciated! :)

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------ Goodbye and see you soon :) ------


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