T W E N T Y - O N E

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Present time.
Rome, Italy.


"Marcus, Benjamin, and Andrew, this is your location," Dimitri circled a specific position on the map, "Zara and Alice," He dragged his pen and marked another, "You will be here."

"The rest of you will surround the area." Valerius said as he pointed around the docks, "Keep the backup ready."

"You will wait for our signal," Dimitri addressed them, "Do not make a move otherwise."

Valerius looked around the room, "Is it clear?" His voice rang in the silence of the warehouse.

"Yes, Don!" All of them answered with a loud shout. Their heads were straight as they stood rooted in their position.

Valerius tilted his head to see Valentina behind him. He motioned her with his hand to come forward, beside him. Valentina walked closer, "Can I say something?" She whispered.

"You do not have to ask me."

She smiled at his reply and then turned towards the crowd, "If the Russian Pakhan and Signore Antonio are there, do not kill them." She looked at Valerius who nodded at her, "We will deal with them ourselves."

"Yes, Donna!"

Her eyes widened when she heard the title. Valerius smirked at her, a gleam of pride in his eyes, "Almost Donna," She murmured, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"There is still an hour," Dimitri said, "Keep the weapons prepared. If there is a problem, come to me." He finished and then Valerius dismissed the crowd with a wave of his hand.

"Dimitri," Valentina called him, "Can I get a gun?"

Valerius arched his brow at her, "What for?"

"Well, I will be there with you."

"No!" Both of the men said at the same time.

Valentina huffed, "Stop arguing."

"It is dangerous," Valerius said, holding her gaze with his eyes, "Your life could be on the line, I will not allow that."

"I agree." Dimitri chided in, "Who knows what Vladimir and Antonio are capable of?"

Valentina crossed her arms against her chest. They had never been in such a situation before. She had never interfered in his business more than it was needed. But, she could not let Valerius go alone this time. Not in this situation.

"I know how to use a gun and fight," She pressed, "You trained me, Valerius."

"It was for situations when you will not have me," He argued back, the muscle in his jaw ticked, "I am still alive."

Dimitri cleared his throat, "I need to go and check on something." He left the area, clearly noticing the tension between the two.

"Valerius," Valentina slumped her shoulders.

"Valentina." He warned.

"Even if you say no," She stated, "I will still come. I was just being nice by asking."

Valerius came forward and grabbed her by the shoulders, "Why can you not understand the severity of the situation?" His hold on her was tight, but not enough to hurt.

"I have handled your business," She began, "I am used to this now, Valerius."

"It still does not mean that I will risk your life," He growled, "I will not lose you," His voice grew softer, a little calmer, "Not you too."

Valentina sighed. The fear in his eyes haunted her. But why didn't he understand that she was worried about the same thing?

"I can't lose you as well." She whispered, placing her hands on his biceps, "You will not leave me."


She smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss against his lips.

"I am still coming."

Valerius groaned, but before he could speak, Valentina interrupted him, "I will stay behind with Zara."

He only looked at her, not saying a word, and then she whispered, "Please."

He gave in.

"You will not come forward, no matter what happens. You are to remain with Zara. Understood?"

Valentina gave him a nod. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him near, "Come back to me."



There was an eerie silence in the night. Multiple trucks were scattered around the large ground. The men and women took their positions, assessing the area.

Dimitri had unlocked the door to the warehouse. It was only him and Valerius inside - with the rest of the soldiers spread across the ground.

Dimitri cast a glance at Valerius who was leaning against the wall, with his eyes trailing upwards. He wanted to talk to him, but he knew this was not the moment to do so. They would have time later.

Valerius heaved a sigh. His mind continually flickering towards Valentina. He knew his guards would protect her, but this did not stop him from worrying.

He needed to get done with this situation and prioritize his relationship with her. Valerius had been working straight for the last few months, his line of work did not allow him breaks but, he always made time for her.

In the past.

Now, Antonio and Vladimir had fucked his life.


The mention of his name made his chest hurt.

He did not want to think about it.

Not right now.

As if on cue, he felt Dimitri's eyes on him.

"Vuoi dire qualcosa?" Valerius asked him, his voice echoing in the silent warehouse.

(Do you want to say anything?)

Dimitri shook his head, even though he knew Valerius could not see him in the dark. There was only a faint light, seeping in through one of the windows, which highlighted their shadows.

"I do," Dimitri spoke up, "But after we catch this bastard."

Not a second later, there came the sound of a car engine. Dimitri and Valerius grabbed the guns from their waistbands. They moved closer to the door, hiding behind a wooden carton.

They heard footsteps.

Two of them.

Valerius clutched the gun in his hand, his finger curled at the trigger.

The sound got closer as the door of the warehouse opened. The men came inside and started walking ahead, looking around.

Dimitri and Valerius met each other's gazes. Dimitri pointed his head towards them. Valerius gave him a nod and watched as Dimitri moved forward. He raised his gun when he was behind them.

"On the lookout for someone?" Dimitri asked.

Valerius appeared out of the shadows, "Antonio." He spoke, turning his head towards the other man, "Vladimir."


There it is.

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