Because of a Football-Chapter 2

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"I don't know about this Karington, don't you think its a little much?"

Whipping around so fast she gave me whiplash she shouted, "NO! I spent 2 weeks on you! When we walk into school today I want you looking like a goddess."

Today is the start of our senior year and Karington and i had just finished getting dressed for school. Karington was wearing a jean button up shirt that was tucked into a cream skirt and a wide brown belt in the middle of the two, and her favorite brown cowboy boots on. Her brown eyes were surrounded by her dark lashes that looked longer because of the little coats of mascara that was on them, and a light brown eyeshadow covered her eyelids. All in all she was looking good as hell! I on the other hand.....

Karington had dressed me in a strapless dress that came a bit past my mid thigh that had a bunch of lines going in different directions. Over the dress i had a black blazer that was rolled up to my elbows. On my feet i was wearing (and actually walking in) black open toed high heeled booties. My now newly short hair was curled to perfection and reached just a bit below my shoulders. My eyes were coated in mascara and winged eyeliner giving them a mysterious look, and top top it off some shimmery lipgloss on my full lips.

"Ughhhh, Karington I can NOT do this! I feel like im trying way to hard" I slump down onto my bed.

"Annie you look hot as hell, and its ok to look ubber amazing on your first day of school. Now come on or we're going to be late!"

Getting up i grab my backpack and keys and head downstairs and out my front door with Karington  right on my heels. 

We walk up to my new-old 1996 GT 350 Mustang Coupe that I got for my birthday over the summer. I was absolutely in love with old cars, so when i walked outside to see this parked in my driveway on my birthday i was lost for words. My dad has rebuilt the whole engine with my uncle who had provided the car it's self.

"Annie every time i see your car i swear i fall in love.''  Silently laughing to myself i nod my head to Karington telling her to get in. 

On the way to school we blasted music in the car and acted as if no one was watching. That was one thing about me and Karington, whenever we were together we could careless about what people thought of us or how crazy we looked. We loved just being ourselves.

I parked my car and turned it off, and took a deep breath. "You'll be just fine Annie, and just remember i'll be right by your side." Karington gave me a reassuring smile before exiting the car, and seconds later me following in pursuit.

Stares. That's all I got when i stepped out of my car. Karington walked over to me interlocking our arms and started towards the entrance of the school.

"Everyone is staring like we're some kind of alien Kare." I said with a bit of irritation in my voice.

"They're all staring because they wanna know who you are. Trey already texted me asking who you were. Everyone thinks your the new girl."

"Do i really look all that different that one of my best friends doesn't even recognize me?"

"Oh don't worry, I mean if anything you should take it as complement.''

"I guess so.."

We made our way to our lockers which were right next to each other, like they have been like every year. I put my combonation into my locker when i feel a sudden presence behind me. Turning around i come face to face with Ethen, a jock from the football team that has a reputation as a player and has only every talked to me to ask for a pencil.

"Hey the cutie, I just wanted to come introduce myself. Im Ethen Richards.'' He looks me up and down pausing as my chest and legs. "Seeing as your new I'd be willing to show you around the school and to your classes if you would like."

"Ummm I'm not new, I've been going to this school since freahman year."

"Are you sure, cause I've never seen you around here before." He says while getting a little to close that my back s up against my locker.

"Oh lord! Ethen you better step back, before I hit you where the sun don't shine." Karington says with  a glare on her face.

"Ahhh isn't my favorite southern belle Karington, why can't you let me show your new friend around.''

"She's not my new friend. That's Annabeth you asshole! She doesn't need your help. Now leave your not wanted here."

Shock crossed his face as he once look at me. "Annabeth, is that really you?"

"Ummm yeah! I mean gosh i know i changed how i dress but i didn't think i changed that much!"

"Damn! You look so freaking hot. Who knew you had curves." he says with a wink. "You and Karinton should really come to my back to school party Im throwing tonight at my house. Actually, Annie will you be my date?"

Stunned about the sudden proposel, no words came out but that goodness for Karington. "She will think about it Ethan and about coming to the party. Now if you don't mind we have a class to get too." Grabing me and pulling me in the direction of our first class with such force I almost trip in my heels.

"Thanks Kare, I just froze. I was so shocked."

"No problem hun, but hey at least we know this new look is playing off. I mean it got us invited to Ethan's party, although I may not be a fan of him, his parties are suppose to be great!"

"I don't know about that Karington, I mean Im not a party person..."

"Oh come on! It's senior year, start having some fun!'' Giving my her puppy dog eyes, I cave.

"Ughhhhh, fine! But Im not going to be Ethan's date!"

"YAYYYYY!!!!! And fair enough, he's a player anyway."She says with the biggest smile "Come on we gotta cross the courtyard to get to our first period."

The courtyard is a open section in the middle of the school where there are sidewalks so that students can get a across our school faster and not be late. Its also where during lunch or the begining of school come to chill and talk. 

It's also the place where I got hit in the head with a football.

Oh what a great first day.


Hope you liked it. 

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I'll update as soon as i can!! :)

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