Because of a Football- Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV

"Another year here, but at least it's our last!"

"You got that right Liam." Grabbing my backpack and football out the trunk of my car, Liam and I headed to the courtyard to meet up with our friends and throw the ball around a bit. "Hey, what happen between you and Amber over the summer bro?"

"We broke up. You know I never stay with a girl for to long. The get boring after a while, also needy."

"You have to stop with that, it's not cool to play with people like that."

"Oh this is coming from the guy who went out with one girl in the three years you've been here." Chucking the football a little to much over my head. "Hey you know she was crazy, plus you know I want to concentrate on football and not have some chic. Anyway she would have to be a dime for me to notice her."

"Well my new prey this year is that cute Karington girl." He says while wiggling his eyebrows. "I will have her by the homecoming game"

"HA!!! Good luck with that. No guy has dated her at this school;."

"Hey, I will do this. You mark my words Ash!" Shaking my head, we continue to pass the ball back and forth to each other.

"Speak of the devil." Liam says while looking over my shoulder. "Damn! Karington is looking good, but who is that girl beside her?" By the look on his face, I had to take a look, so turning around I wasn't expecting what I had saw.

Beside Karington was a girl who was looking to good for her to be true. Her hair was curled into perfect ringlets that fell right below her shoulders. The dress she was wearing reached at a little past her mid thighs that showed off her tan toned legs. Making my way back up her body to her face, I studied her features. She had chocolate brown eyes that were surrounded by full dark lashes. Her smile was perfect, with straight white teeth and full pink lips.

In my own little world I didn't hear Liam say go long until I saw the ball fly straight over my head and straight towards Karington  and her friend....

Annabeth's POV


"Shit, Im so sorry!"

"Move, I'll pick her up and take her to the nurse."

Ughhh, my head was now throbbing, and the sound of Karington and two other voices I didn't recognize, didn't help. I felt myself being lifted and then felt the cool breeze singling that I was once again inside the school.

"Oh my, what In the world happened here?"

"She was hit in the head pretty hard with a football Mrs. S"

"Well lay her down. Im going to go get some ice for her head."

The sounds of footsteps were getting further away, while u heard a few others come closer to the bed.


"Hey It's not my fault! Ashton was suppose to catch the, but he was gone in his own world."

"So this is your fault!?!?! My best friend could have a concussion because your dumb ass doesn't know how to catch a ball!"

I could hear Karington screaming at the two mystery people, and with her screaming, it gave me the push to finally open my eyes to see the scene before me.

"Karebear, shut your shrieking up, your going to give me the worst headache that I already have."

All of a sudden I feel the weight of my 105 pound best friend on top of me, knocking the little breath I did have, out of my body.

"Annie! Oh my gosh are you ok? Are you going into a coma? Is your outfit dirty?"

Karington starts firing off one question after the other until a boy came over, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder not caring that she was in a skirt.

"Put my down you big gorilla! Im in a skirt you perv."

"Well I like the view, so your staying where you are." Mystery guy said with a smirk while Karington made a huph sound.

Finally taking in the guy that was now holding my bestie, I saw that he was about 5'11 with a strong build. He had light brown hair that he wore in a I-just-got-out-of-bed kind of way, that was kinda sexy. His eyes were a stormy blue grey. He had a light blue t-shirt on that was just tight enough that you could tell he had muscles, with low rise light jeans that showed a bit of his Calvin Kline boxers.

"Ummm Karington... what is going on?"

Looking over the guys shoulders "Well you see gorilla boy here and his sidekick were goofing off and the dumb ass over there" pointing in the direction of the other guy "didn't catch the ball and in result, you got hit in the head."

"Ohhh ok" I said while putting my head back down. Just that the nurse walked back in.

"Oh sweetheart, good your up. Here's some ice for you head. You'll probably have a bump on your head. You and someone else can stay with you until you want to go back to class,"

"I'll stay with her!"

Looking over to the person I noticed is was the guy Karington pointed to earlier who happened to be Ashton.

"Ok, you can stay, you two on the other hand, off to class."

"What?! NO, I wanted to stay with her Ashton."

"It's ok Karington, I'll be perfectly fine. I'll see you in class later."

Giving me one last look "Fine. Now put me down Liam."

"Awwww you called me by my name." Liam finally put Karington back down, and she crossed the room to get her bag off the floor.

"Well, well, well,, seems like we got a bama fan here don't we." Liam chuckled catching a glimpse of Karingtons underwear which happened to be her Alabama University ones.

Karington turned around with her face beat red, walking out of the office while muttering "shut up" as she passed Liam, though he wasn't far behind.

"Hey, wait for me bama girl!" Liam shouts as he starts running out the door to catch up to Karington.


Chapter 3 is done, yayyyyyy!




Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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